Golf Betting Games
Published: 18.04.2024

Best golf betting games for 4 players

Daytona. This is a foursome game with two-player teams. All four players will hole out, then check their scores. If they score the same. THE BEST GOLF GAMES TO PLAY WITH FOURSOMES · AMBROSE · WOLF · BINGO BANGO BONGO · SCRAMBLE · LAS VEGAS · NASSAU · CHAPMAN. Wolf: Similar to defender, but featuring four players. The “Wolf” competes on each hole, either against the remaining three players (for a. For a real thrill, try Progressive Snake. Start at X, second three put is 2X, third is doubled again, etc. Now add that up over the course of. › The Club House › General Golf Talk.

There is also Bingo Bango Bongo, best-ball match play, Nassau, Skins, etc. There is another fun one I have played, but I can't remember what. RULES: Before teeing off on any hole, a player can declare a “money ball.” If that player makes birdie (you can decide if it's net or gross), he. Our regular foursome plays a variety of side bets, but my favourite is "Wolf" (also known as Ship, Best golf betting games for 4 players & Crew). SCRAMBLE. This is a high stakes, iconic golf gambling game, most often played amongst high handicap golfers.

Fun Golf Games for Different Number of Players

It reduces the odds of a lackluster payout for really solid play. Typical scoring for a mid-handicap group would be 1 point for a bogey, 2 points for a par, 4 for a birdie and 8 for an eagle points can be adjusted in any way. The player with the most points above their quota wins a predetermined pot. If no one finishes above their quota, you can roll the pot into the next round or decide it by some kind of tiebreaker.

You have to putt them out. And any time a player three-putts or worse the ball has to be on the green for the first putt , a specific amount is added to a pot. That money keeps accruing during the round and the last person to three-putt has to pay the other players the amount in the pot.

There are many variations of this game including a progressive version where the pot amount starts at a dime and doubles each time someone three-putts. Another version makes the person with the most three-putts pay. Essentially, any time a player follows up a double bogey or worse with a par or better on the next hole, they win a point dollar value determined in advance by your group.

Any time a player makes back-to-back double bogeys or worse, they lose a point. A typical point distribution would be 5 for a bogey, 15 for a par, 30 for a birdie and 60 for an eagle better groups can start with par as the first point-eligible score. So a bogey on a second consecutive hole would now be worth 10 and a par would be worth 30 and so on.

The players with the highest point totals are paid a predetermined amount for every point they have earned in relation to the other players. This is a great game for golfers who are streaky and also for golfers who love to gamble. This continues until the match is decided. A variation of this game allows a team to reinstall clubs to their set if someone on the team makes net birdie or better to win a hole.

Things can get really creative and shotmaking becomes a bigger part of the round when certain clubs are eliminated. Obviously, the putter should be first to go. The players with the lowest point totals are paid a predetermined amount for every point less they have in relation to the other competitors. Best golf betting games for 4 players A common point allocation: Hitting a ball in a bunker 1 ; Hitting into the water 2.

Hitting out-of-bounds 3. Three-putting 1. Four-putting 4. Duffing a tee shot 1. Points can also be subtracted for stellar play such as making birdies, holing long putts or stiffing shots from off the green, etc. This is a great game to learn course management and how to stop taking unnecessary risks. Questions for you on the let it ride golf game, I just want to be sure i understand the game correctly.

So if I birdied the hole, I would have 15 from the previous hole par, plus 60 for this hole for a total of 75 points I could choose to bank or let ride again, correct. If I let it ride again, does the next consecutive hole double yet again, so in this case, a bogey is now worth 20, a par 60 and so forth?

Please let me know. The points totals are only based on your score and your willingness to gamble. The gamble is when you win points on a hole, and then decided to let it ride or bank them. Therefore, if you make a par it would be worth 15 points, before you hit your drive you can say bank or let it ride.

If you bank you get 15 points and that hole is back to normal points. Points can be worth a dollar value, or you can put money in a pot and divide it how you choose. BBB is a chess-like game of strategy wherein you really need to know your friends, the course and yourself. For example: on a par 4, you rip one up the fairway and could not be more personally excited to have hit such a wonderful shot.

Your friend goes next and lands their ball 20 yards short of yours. BBB has no gimmes, go-aheads or tap ins. This is a game that will give you laser focus on the greens because every shot could win you money, and every shot counts. Ideal for foursomes with a comparable range of skills. Wolf is a golf betting game that everyone, in my friend circle at least, knows well.

This is a game of strategy and humility with straightforward rules, but they do require some diligence to legislate. Order on the tee is decided before the first hole up to your group how and then rotated based on this original order and not who won the previous hole , , , you get the drift. The advantage of being the Wolf is choosing a partner based on the shot they just hit.

If any player has a lower score than the Lone Wolf, each non-Wolf player gets 1 point. For a fun variation, give an incentive for declaring Lone Wolf before anyone hits their tee shot by doubling the amount of points the Lone Wolf can win or lose depending on the outcome. Or, make it a requirement that the Wolf must select a partner only after seeing their tee shot, and not after all three players have hit.

Mix it up and make it a format that works for you. Wolf is a fun game that rewards good play and knowledge of your playing partners. Ideal for gamblers who like to put their skills on the line and have the means to back it up. Do you have too much money and want to get rid of it quickly. It is one of those rarefied games where any player stands to lose an absolutely astonishing amount of money, or win big out on the course.

Though it might cost you, the rules of Vegas are pretty straightforward. Are you feeling lucky. Golf is a game of skill. Ideal for large groups of players, charity tournaments and golf bachelor party rounds. Another popular and potentially lucrative golf game is skins. This is a straightforward betting game that places stakes on each hole. If a single player shoots the lowest score on that hole, they win all the money.

This is a great game for good golfers, risk takers and the strategically minded alike. You can also double the skin with each carry over, or just add one point for every carry over. The high stakes of a Skins round can bring out the best in your game. The only hitch comes when two or more players tie the last hole. All players are eligible to compete in the first round of overtime; if Player X and Player Y get par but player Z bogies out, Z is eliminated and X and Y play another hole until a victor is crowned.

This game is dead easy: play golf, then throw out your three highest scores to make the best hole round possible. Ideal for decent players ideally familiar with each other who want to improve their short game in a high stakes environment. Top golf betting app Especially if you want to improve your putting, since Snake is all about penalizing the short game.

The final snake must ride home in disgrace knowing that they are the absolute worst, and with fewer bills in their pocket to boot. The format is simple: anytime anyone three putts or worse , a predetermined amount is added to the pot. The last player to three putt has to pay the other three players the amount in the pot.

Want to put pressure on your short game. Snake may be the bet for you. Here, I would like to propose an end to the madness of forcing the worst golfer in the group to keep losing money. I propose this because there are stakes that are higher than money, especially amongst groups of friends who play regularly.

The variation I am proposing calls for a trophy of shame. Now when we play Snake, the unlucky loser takes it home and must display it until our next round. We even take it a step further to make it more personal for our foursome: the Snake has to add something to the trophy so the next unlucky loser has something to remember them by.

I realize now that I need entirely new friends. Well there you have it, our guide to the best golf betting games for all types of players. Whatever you decide to play, our advice is to keep it low stakes and friendly.