Golf Betting Games
Published: 28.03.2024

Sexy golf bets with wife

I just recently up the ante so to speak and made a sexual bet with her. Got me wondering how many women make bets like this with there S.O.? Competition is healthy. Remember back in your early dating days you'd be a the local pub, shooting pool, and you'd make little side bets with. Couples that play together, stay together! Putt-putt is pretty cheap and enjoyable for all skill levels, but you can make your match-up even. Bored-in-the-Bedroom Married Couples - Sexy Challenges are for you! These sexy, fun, sacred and sensual scenarios will help you heat up your sex life while. Enter golf betting games. Winning a little money to go along with that birdie. Let's face it, golf is fantastic but for some reason when I go.
Photo: sexy golf bets with wife

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Take a Date Night Swing with a New Twist on Miniature Golf

Here are fun twists for your next miniature golf date night. Should the reward go to the winner of the hole round. Or, can you share the feel-good wealth with a reward for each hole won. Maybe double down… place bets on the score of each hole AND also the overall game. For example:.

Date Night Guide is a big fan of fun conversation starters. Use this concept to inspire a truth or dare twist during putt-putt. Or, to help build some date night anticipation, can dares be completed later in the bedroom or elsewhere. You can add a fun twist to miniature golf at any putt-putt place. But check out these courses that are totally on par!

Drop the clubs, but remain connected and slowly stroll her to check in and only answer questions when asked, otherwise, silence. Maybe point out a pretty flower or a squirrel. After check in, see if she'd like to get a soda or beer and then tell her to go get a bucket of balls and find a spot while you get the drinks. Get yourself a beer or Bloody Mary. If she's disgusted, then she's not the girl for you, but don't lose hope.

If you're an alcoholic, you better make sure she is too. When you get back to her, tell her to take a few swings and tell her you're going to make a few suggestions on the practice range, but once you're out on the course all golf lessons are off. If she has little experience with the game, tell her there will be an etiquette lesson at every hole - whether she wants it or not - and that there's going to be a test at the end of the day.

Bad, bad boy. Sexy golf bets with wife See how we're mixing the teacher-student fantasy thing into this. OK, so she takes a couple of swings and hits the ball out there. If she's nervous, you'll know it and that's a really good sign. Then, it's time for her lesson. Take a club and stand in front of her and tell her to mirror you. Get a ball and put it down, bending at the waist.

She does the same and you get a nice view. Don't let her see this. Now, with every bad boy bit of golf language, show her how to swing the club back - you know, tell her to "grip the shaft" and how firm or loose. Tell her to "cock her wrists" and how to draw the club back - "up and down" and to "take it back slow. After she takes two or three shots, ask her if she'd mind if you got behind her to show her a few things.

Don't thrust into her and don't use any more bad-boy language. Photo: sexy golf bets with wife Now, you're completely professional and a total gentleman. Just take your hands around her back and grip the club with her, move her arms in the proper swing position remember to do all of this very, very slowly. Show her where her follow-through needs to end up and that's it.

After she takes a few more swings it's your turn to hit four or five balls and then move on to the putting green. By the end of this, it should be your tee time, if you plan it all right. One hole one, be ready for her first etiquette lesson. Her lessons are only for her to hear so as not to embarrass her in front of whatever twosome you're paired with.

When you drive your ball on this day, your goal isn't to crush the ball as far as it will go. It's imperative that you stay in the fairway or close to it at all times. She'll automatically be impressed by your accuracy and your distance will always far exceed her drives anyway. Spend time helping her look for her balls, not her looking for yours.

After being a total gentleman, around the fourth hole or any hole thereabout where there is a wait to tee off, ask her if she's ever snuggled on the golf course. You don't need her answer. You do need a bench on the tee box, which you will straddle and pull her in to sit the same way in front of you. It's like spooning, but you're sitting. Wrap your arms around her waist and hold her softly.

She'll get goose bumps and get very warm. Trust me, there is no other response a woman can have when a man takes control like that. Lean your head in close to hers after 30 seconds and, in a low voice, tell her how good her hair smells. If you've shaved, which you should have unless you have a beard, let your cheek sort of brush hers. Then just sit there and let her feel safe.

Bad Boy, gentleman, bad boy and gentleman - you get the idea. But damn if she didn't beat me again. I was a little disappointed that she hadn't touched me, but I could see possibilities in this game. Even though my golf game wasn't very good, I began to play with all the concentration of a pro. The next hole I barely won after sinking a long putt.

As we got back in the cart, it was my turn to smile at her. Ordinarily she might have refused, but she started this game and knew she couldn't back out now. The course was indeed deserted, except for a few other players quite a ways away. And there were a lot of trees. I watched intently as she unbuttoned her top, unsnapped her bra, and slid it off of her shoulders, pulling her arms through the straps.

Her breasts aren't big, about 34B, but they are still very nice. I could see her nipples become erect as the hot breeze blew over them. She threw her bra in the back of the cart and rebuttoned her top. Are beta blockers legal in golf Next hole we tied. We agreed that any holes we tied on, we would share a kiss.

That way we both won. As we tongued each other deeply, I reached for her breasts but was quickly pushed away. I didn't need much encouragement as I pulled my dick out of my pants as fast as I could. This time I was hard and hoping for more than a glance. Sure enough, Traci bent forward to take me in her mouth.

She simply licked up the juice that was flowing from my head, barely touching me with her tongue. She sat up and teased me, sticking her tongue out, a little of my clear lubrication hanging from her tongue. She sucked it into her mouth and licked her lips. I groaned as I struggled to push my erection back into my pants.

I could feel a wet spot in my shorts where I continued to drip. The next hole I could hardly swing the club I was so hard. But I was determined to get even. And get even I did. She stood next to the cart trying to hide herself as she reached up under her skirt and slid her panties down.

In her haste to get them off, they became entangled on her shoe. As she briefly lost her balance, she sat down on the seat with one foot on the ground and the other up in the air. What a view, as I saw her pussy open wide. I was laughing out loud as she finally pulled them off her shoe, ripping them in the process, and quickly pulling her skirt back down.

I tossed her torn panties in the back with her bra and off we went, both of us now laughing. I was so distracted my golf game was getting worse. Sure enough on the next hole Traci carried through on her threat. She was smiling but I think she was very intent on getting even. She just stared me down. Sexy golf bets with wife Now it was my turn to look around nervously.

Not that I mind being naked outdoors, but this was a public place. And besides, I would look like a dork running naked with only golf shoes on. I guess that was the idea. I pulled my shirt off, pulled my shorts down, and slipped out of my underwear.

I took off quickly. I was very self-conscious at first, but as I began to enjoy the feeling of being naked, I slowed down and felt the warm breeze on my skin. Traci was laughing as my dick flopped about as I ran. After my third time around, I ran back to the cart and just stood in front of her.

She was sitting in the cart with her legs spread so I could easily see up her skirt, all the way to heaven, as they say. She reached towards me and I was sure she was going to grasp my growing dick. Once again, she simply touched the end of my cock, gathered up my juices, and put her finger in her mouth.

Oh, this is getting serious, I thought. If she thinks she can tease me like this without repercussions, she better think again. I smiled mischievously as I got dressed and thought of ways to get even. I also noticed that my underwear had mysteriously disappeared, so that when I put my shorts on I had an obvious wet spot.

The next hole we tied, but this time as we shared our kiss, we both groped each other eagerly. We were both very, very horny by now. I did get even a little by starting to finger her soaking wet pussy but then pulling my finger away and licking her juices off of it as she watched me. By now we were far from the clubhouse or any civilization for that matter.

As we stood on the next tee, we were both startled to hear a shout of "Hello. We had been so engrossed in our little game that we hadn't noticed them. They asked if they could join us. I whispered to her, "Let's just play a couple of holes with them and then we can go on our way.

Besides, they're pretty good looking and I thought you might like checking them out. She punched me again, hard. I then realized I might have blundered by asking these two guys to join us. I knew just how wet and horny Traci was and that she had probably been hoping we could make love soon.

I was suddenly brought out of my deep thought by the sound of Traci's voice saying, Traci laughed and said, "Yes, he trusts me. Especially when I am with Don. You see, Don prefers the company of men. I was so flustered I couldn't speak. Our little game of getting even with each other had suddenly jumped up several levels. My face turned red as I tried to stutter a response, but Traci simply grinned at me as she bent over to tee up her ball.

She took her time about it and it was obvious the two men were checking out her ass. I was last to tee off. I put my club away and got into the cart. As I slid in next to her we looked at each other and then started laughing. I too was smiling as Traci turned around to see what they were talking about.

Hanging from Traci's clubs were her bra and panties. At first I thought maybe I had gone too far, but Traci simply laughed along with us. Then if you like we can make love on the green. I could see Traci thinking about that and then she said, "Well, maybe not on the green, but I'm more than ready to do it somewhere.

I was so excited by now I could hardly wait to sink my dick into Traci's wetness. I'm sure that contributed to my next shot, a high slice that headed deep into the trees on the right. I told Traci I would go look for it myself and left her with the cart.