Golf Betting Games
Published: 23.11.2023

9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards

Countback is a way to separate tied players after the conclusion of a golf competition. If it's not possible to play more holes to settle the event on the. It is hole by hole. When we tee off on a given hole, if he is 2-down or worse he gets a stroke. Later on if the same guy or the other guy becomes 2-down they. This format favors the team which is loosing as it give them the opportunity to reverse the score in less holes. The reason why the last 4 holes. Even as a single digit handicapper, I hit so many loose shots that getting more than one par in a 9 hole stretch is almost a miracle. And on. We have each hole worth 1 point to each player if its played as teams but if someone plays either win 3 or loose 3 carry-overs.
Photo: 9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards

The reverse side of the map depicts Long Binh Post in relation to Saigon. Early in the war, many American units were dispersed throughout Saigon. you can bet double-play 9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards that would. Closest womut on the final nine holes for the medalist years later at the same course, this time with an extra hole. 7/9/ PM. A hybrid model will backwards with the bars and restaurants. Just wish you guys would hurry up and figure out what. It's a way to keep you chasing them and trying to figure out what you did wrong when you actually did nothing wrong at all. 9 pm rolls round.

Golf Games to Play

Public transportation is gross. Imagine having to wait for a vehicle to lug your groceries for your family. Or needing a truck or SUV to hit up home depot for gardening supplies. The convenience of an autonomous vehicle service comes with a cost… privacy. This will not happen over night but over a generation or two. Cars did not replace horses over night.

The transition will occur naturally. Young people will OT buy an auto for personal use. What percentage of teens can even change a flat tire. How many can saddle a horse. Driving a personal vehicle might be one. Except of course…. When it comes to public transportation in the SF Bay Area, you nailed it.

BART and some of the other public transportation services are a cesspool of filth. The stations are a disgrace and now they are becoming dangerous as evidence by the recent string of attacks on passengers. The biggest thing BART has going for it is a shortage of parking in many of the places you might want to go.

Yes good call Veritas. San Francisco is one of the wealthiest, nicest areas of the United States. 9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards Yet the BART is very dirty and last week angry young gangland teens stormed on there and took everyones purses. So what do you think will happen. Maybe a flying car. Or do you believe we have reached the end of automobile development. No very rich people actually drive their own autos.

Hillary has not driven in over 35 years. Not everyone is so enamored of operating an auto as you might think. Dude , your an idiot. Stop being trendy. This country was founded on owning property, not renting. Go To a third world country if you want to live like that. Photo: 9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards We have a good way of life in America. They move here, have trouble adjusting, and want the rest of the country to adapt to them, be like them so they can feel good about themselves.

They eat bugs, live in closets then pack into public transportation like sardines. They seem to. For what. No privacy. No space. Claustrophobic living conditions that barely rise to the level of a large dorm room. Cash is a medium of exchange. A good comment and accurate. But the Democrats and other Leftists are intent on bringing in more and more of these folks. These are their future voting constituents.

They have been doing this for the past 40 years and have essentially destroyed the republic. Not one bit. It gets 30 mpg in town and 40 mpg on the Interstate. I would love to own an electric car but the currently available models are not affordable for me or most other people.

Paying the equivalent of the annual median wage for a car, van or pickup truck is foolish, IMO, but in a free country people have that right and many can justify that expense against alternatives. Perhaps in years, IF battery technology advances to the point where standard batteries can be recharged or replaced for the same cost, or less, of a tank of gas and give similar carrying capacities and ranges.

This will take batteries with 10X the current capacities that are also able to be recharged in under 10 minutes. The Li-Ion battery depends on Lithium. The two major sources of Lithium are China and Bolivia. Hydrocarbons have an unbeatable energy density. Algae farms can capture CO2 and generate fuel oils using solar radiation, even during cloudy days.

That way we would be recycling the Carbon in our hydrocarbon fuels. Hey moron, what about people who have children and grandchildren out of state. You think everyone flies everywhere. Only the global NWO controllers will have the mobility and freedom we have now.

Why are the economics going to be that much better for a fleet owner than a private owner. I understand the economy of scale argument. There are places in rural America that this concept will never work. The miles would effectively double for the autonomous fleet vehicle.

Localities would pile taxes on these companies like they do any other business. And insurance on passenger carrying vehicles is extremely high. Thanks Turd. Leaderboard dubai classic They will happily steal our tax dollars to do it but will not allow us to drive our old fashioned cars on them. These lanes in my area are mainly empty. And the buses that use them are carrying three or four passengers.

Yet I cannot drive in that lane. My tax dollars helped to build that friggin road. I can definitely see a good old fashioned tax revolt getting the attention of those in State Houses and DC. You are the only person in this thread who gets it. Everyone else is a god damn moron.

They have no idea how fast and hard artificial intelligence is going to upend the economy. What use would a car, autonomous or not, be if your dream of an upended economy comes true. I would rather have enough control over my own life to make a life for myself, regardless of what the economy has done for the rest of the sheep. And the AI crowd has been making that same prediction for fifty years.

Artificial Intelligence, six decades of parlour tricks and not much to show for the billions spent. Typical liberal elitism. You do admit that the ultimate goal is to take away the freedom of movement by making it so expensive that only the rich elite will be able to take a drive anywhere they want at anytime that they want to.

Nick, i think you dont get it. Actually I want my own automated car. Not one that has been used for all kinds of disgusting things previously. I tell it to come get me at home and it wakes up from wherever it lives and comes to my house. Then I call it up again when I want to go back. And, at the end of each day it permanently wipes its memory of where it has been.

Except that I would still have a garage for it. It would just be automated, but mine. Not some yukky used piece of public transportation. Self-driving cars are one thing, taxi services are another. 9 hole golf bet thst you figire backwards Self-driving, individually owned vehicles is where the market is especially with us baby boomers beginning to hit retirement. Own your own vehicle as eyesight may become poor. Still retain your ownership and independence.

I agree with you. Not so strange. I have an attached two car garage. We could keep the autonomous car in there much like I keep our current cars in there. No paranoia here, but yes while uber has been a game changer for some, it is folly to think all will abandon cars. I drive 45 miles to work, one way. Lets say i decide to hit home depot, grocery store and restaurant on the way home.

Where do in-store my purchased tool while I buy groceries. Where do I store tools and groceries while I eat out. And if you have to own a car some ofnthe month for times like this you are going to Get the most out of this car instead of paying some other company to cart you around, at times the rates during rush hour. Where I live uber can take 15 minutes or more to arrive.

What makes you think someone will invest in thousands of autonomous cars to serve the thousands who live just in my neighnorhood. Not gonna happen. Oh my. So much intolerance and hate. You should seek some sort of publicly-available counseling. Lots of speculation in your justification.

We were, by all accounts, supposed to be paying 5 bucks a gallon plus for gas by now outside of the city-states like Chicago, New York, LA, where you already do. And narrow minded, rather like the article author, who assumes we all live in, and want to live in, cramped, crowded apartment structures where on a good day you can smell your neighbors armpits.

Not every one wants to be urbanized. In fact. Gimmeh my car pleeze. Why do liberals always have to add an insult to a comment. Perhaps they have a lack of confidence in their ideas. This lengthy and long-winded answer indicates you have far too much time on your hands. Dem, perhaps. Enjoy a laugh for once: jvhoffmannjr. You have those options now you dope.

Uber, taxis, mass transit etc… Yet the number of cars keeps increasing. How many articles have we already seen saying the problem getting driver less cars is other drivers. I am guessing you are a city dweller. Tough to find a parking space in front of your little condo or apartment then even worse getting a space at work.

That being just down the street. There is another world we need you to learn about. A world where there is no bus or train to take you to the nearest store 5 miles from your home. No train line nor bus going toward where you work in any direction miles from your home. This article is just another example of liberals not being able to conceptualized numbers. Sad shame. Just the coasts and only big city people think like you do.

Please, open your own mind. Look past your millenial block and uber ride. I recognize a liberal when I see one. Many people need vehicles that carry six or more people. Many people need vehicles with either large interior storage or exterior storage. Lots of people have things to tow- boats, trailers, cars, mowers.

This sort of scheme works for one narrow demographic. This is more wishful thinking than rational thinking. Leftists have been tying to get people out of cars and suburbs for forty years. Most of the world is not like NYC. Are you in the automotive business. I am, and have been for almost 30 years. I also remember that by now we should have all been driving SMC plastic or all aluminum vehicles.

While there are plastic body parts bumpers and Ford uses an aluminum alloy on their trucks, the overwhelmingly majority of cars are still made out of steel. But, go hang your hat on the assumptions in this article. Mostly in high density urban areas. Not everyone is a supercilious nose-ringed urban hipster and part of the reason the general population dislikes people like that, is because they incorrectly assume that the entire population shares their opinions and priorities.

Personally I have used a personal gas-driven vehicle for much of my life but at other times used public transportation for years at a time, so I am not ideological about this, both modes have pluses and minuses. But I am an adult, and just as I prefer to make my own decisions about issues like car ownership, I also grant to other adults the same right.

What exactly gives so called progressives the right to lord it over everyone else and make all their decisions for them. A lot of people love cars. Personal cars may be a novelty but I will probably have one that I purchase for cash because certain ones are beautiful. The Drudge people, BTW, are the adults in the room. It will be chosen for them. Just like taxation is used for.

To tax is to control. Agenda Many so called news articles do not allow the comment section anymore. I dare you…watch any of the 4 or 5 so called news outlets, they all have the same talking points. Limbaugh and Hannity played back to back clips of one news story and the main talking points were verbatim.

The problem, most people watch only ONE news outlet and do not switch to see what others are saying. Markets and risk control insurance rates. Not if the Democrats get any power. I agree.. Good example is that both Italy and Germany are taking away empty houses and hotels and rehabbing them and giving them to the new migrants.

The cost of car insurance will sky-rocket for those who want autonomous vehicles, once the insurance companies figure out self-driving cars are safer and cause fewer accidents. The insurance companies wagged the dog on that one and slowly will do the same with autonomous cars. Federal regulations and consumer requirements have more to do with how passenger vehicles are built today, not automotive insurance.

Sure, insurance has some influence, but to a much lesser degree. Autonomous cars are death traps. Sorry but computers are no where near the place they need to be for them to be in control of a car. I have been testing software for 20 years, and there is always a bug someone did find!!!

Even the best and most robust industrial operating systems require a human supervisor in order to avoid catastrophies. The only computer that is hack proof is one that is not attached to any network, intranet, internet, WiFi or any other way it can be reached. It would have to be completely isolated.

Yes but we are discussing hacks here, not EMPs. Of course it is hackable, any computer that is not a closed system, any Computer that exchanges data from outside of itself is hackable. An intranet which no outside source has access to would be a closed system and safe but if anyone can get to a link in the system that too can be hacked.

A Satellite is just a wireless connection, so it is hackable. The last time we had a big solar flare hitting the earth was prior to the Civil War, when the only thing we had that was electrical was the telegraph. Today that sort of flare would fry computers, bring down the electric grid, and slam us back technology-wise to about — without whale oil lamps, steam locomotives, and plenty of horses to ease the shock.

It just happened to my home computer last night. Driving and owning a car is not strictly a utilitarian concept as the tech fascists behind these companies seem to believe and cost in only one small component. These concept have virtually all the problems that public transportation does and the public has rejected it resoundingly as they will this. If you think that self driving cars will be safer you are sadly mistaken.

As soon as people start to get killed by self driving cars, the trial lawyers will shut down the industry. They want the revenue. So insurance and accidents will decrease dramatically. And have it tracked. The thing will probably monitor your blood level and refuse to stop at the store so you can get a candy bar LOL. The Government is now a major propaganda machine.

They use the media to test and try to convince us of their social control plans. Ha ha. Remember a few years back when the Segway was going to revolutionize urban transportation. Yeah, right. If it ever became cost prohibitive to own a car, the public would start buying fuel efficient motorcycles in mass like they do in China. This is looney liberalism on display with their ecofanatism.

So in as little as 13 years, Americans will lose all interest mobile independence as adults and will demand to be driven around like small dependent children. These pencil pushing theorists tend to be adult-aged children themselves and seem to be projecting their own infantile delusions than sound theory.

Agreed, this is horse excrement. I love my Jeep, love to go off roading, and will own her for as long as I live. One thing. ALL the car companies are gearing up for this very scenario. They are putting billions into it. The subject consumes every issue of my car magazines.

Like it or not. You need to broaden your horizons. And…ironically…I would love this technology. So I no longer drive.. I thought they would laugh at me…but the Medicare Representative…took me seriously and tried to look up an appropriate code. So I think a portion of their vision will slowly develop…but not in the way they think it will.

Their theory leaves out human motivation, which is the chink in their control-based-armor…. Not a fun thing to have to tell them, because they want to be like their peers so badly. Self-driving cars offer mobility to people who lose it otherwise… but the control-freak dream of everyone giving up their cars. Not going to happen, especially in the USA. Yeah, people are going to share a driver-less car with the local hooker and heroin addicts.

Not going to happen. The point is that change can, and does, happen fast and unforeseen. Christ, need to spell everything out for you drudgetarded twats. Automobiles, well someone saw a profit to be made. Did you know that there have been over 1, car manufacturers in the U. How many appletinis are you up to at this point, Nick?

Google and Facebook are both servants of the government and corporations, and they work against the interest of individuals and the general public. They do not serve the public and they have a monopoly on your personal information. That should tell you something about your utopian future with self driving cars for the masses replacing private transportation.

Did you hear what the Railroads said to the Airlines. Payphones said it to cell phones also. I appreciate the artwork and there is nothing quite like a stack of records, you feel like you really own something. Each album has its own story. However, as an audio format, IMO it is junk.

Getting part of the way to a self-driving car is relatively easy. But a real self-driving car has to KNOW so many things. What a ball looks like rolling out into a street. What old people crossing a street looks like and means to a driver. This requires the AI revolution we were promised and have not seen yet. Which means these are empty promises. Same amount of time that it took for the 35mm film camera to go away.

Its part of Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 that many have been warning about. We are losing our freedom. What about traveling out of state to visit relatives and children. Look up Georgia guidestones. They are replacing humans with robots. Did you see the graph. It says around , 7 years from now, that there will be almost no individual car sales. That is ridiculous. But it is the dream of the left so they can further control us.

Soon one of these loons will think it is a good idea to put ankle monitors with hearing devices on all citizens. You will be doing mankind a much greater favor by doing that. Wisdom comes with age, if at all, and the youth do not have any, it takes time. You forget the Car collectors too. Only you can resist and change this, this article is the beginnings of their plan, so resist or succumb to their plan.

I am not sure how to stop it. My car is my office, workshop, go van. Do I agree with this BS. Might get some traction no pun intended in major metros. But then, they already have an autonomous fleet there. And yet people still own their own cars in the city. File this one next to underwater cities and global warming, guys.

The flying car is right around the corner!!. I think this is the same person who said cars will drive themselves in 5 years. What is scary is that people with this level of utter and profound stupidity could possibly vote. I wonder what they studied to make this prediction. Clearly not human nature. I recall a study sometime in the s that predicted that most people would have telephones in their homes you know, the kind wired to the wall that people could see each other on within ten years.

Yes, like the 40 yr old dream of everyone owning a flying car, this is total BS. I know how the sausage is made, and I know the cost sensitivity of automotive electronics. Automotive electronics are NOT made to the standards of avionics systems.

The autonomous stuff is a pipe dream, it will never be safe or cheap enough to put on a huge number of vehicles. People like to be free, free to do what they want when they want to. Their desire for automobiles reflects that desire for freedom. Those loony New Yorkers went from horses to cars in about 13 years, and that was over a century ago.

The economics alone make it a no brainer. Add in increased safety, better air quality, mobility for underserved populations blind, elderly, etc , and it becomes a total slam dunk. Nonsense, people will not want to give up their ability to travel freely.

While Self driving vehicles may indeed grow in numbers, if they can perfect it to an acceptable safety level, many of those will be privately owned. The same people who ignore the freedom advantage of personal cars probably also believe that voluntary slavery is becoming popular. That model never caught on either. I do think that in 13 years you will see this taking over in major cities.

I absolutely see this happening eventually. The cost of solar vs, coal now is an example. I will own one , because I like to travel wherever and whenever I want. I will also continue to own an older model that cannot be tracked by gps. But will you be able to drive it legally. Insurance is going to skyrocket once autonomous cars are the norm. If the democrats are running the show, capitol punishment might be the penalty for driving a car.

I used to listen, but moved on. Rush, the band, not the radio pundit. Red Barchetta is the song being referred to. You gave me a good chuckle, though. Kidding me right. My state is a Liberal shit hole. They have stopped all executions. Some families waiting decades for justice.

Now being denied by the Democrat Progs. I guess. Stay and fight. Move to a good State and the Progs that are employed and over taxed leave their shit holes and go to good States. Ruining it for us all. Autonomous cars will not become the norm in our lifetimes. I could take you on a ten-mile aternoon drive here on any day, and point out a half-dozen different situations which such a car could not handle.

The lane closure utility tree trimming. Be gone in a couple of hours, pal , detours just temporary. Truck stalled. Besides, hackers would have a field day. You better have an old microwave in the back seat to throw your phone in. They will be using it to follow you. You will be taxed an electric transportation tax to cover that.

Then they will have to add a ton more taxes to replace the gas tax, and on and on and on. Where are we going to get the money to pay the taxes. Rob out piggy banks of the play money we stuffed in there as kids. The power will be FREE using our new solar and wind powered electric grids. How do these fools earn money??. I had a brief one way discussion with a smart lady who thought it would be swell to pave roads and docks with solar panels.

She blocked me for giving her a feeling of pushback that was annoying. After Trump restores all the coal mining jobs, he will work to revitalize the blacksmith industry????. Horses provided independency and were replaced by much greater independency — the auto. You would have your watches stolen and your pocketbooks taken and your computers etc. Then the robbers would get off and run.

We already have these vehicles available in the form of taxis limos uber buses etc. Nothing beats having your own car available to go wherever you want whenever you want without having to involve anyone or anything else. That said, I think Transport as a Service and self-driving cars are great for those looking to get work done, the elderly, and even drunk drivers.

And in cities, the cost of owning a car is insane. No one forces you to live in those places. Unfortunately that is not the case for the majority of Americans. We depend on our cars and trucks for all the necessary trips; shopping, work, schools, doctors, sporting events, dinners out with family and friends, vacations, and the list goes on and on.

Just wait until you have a nice summer weekend and everyone wants to hit the beach at the same time. These think tank kids are divorced from reality. And, where do they think batteries come from, a stork. It takes more than solar power to melt lead or mine minerals for other type batteries.

Remember the fad of diluting gasoline with ethanol. Run up the cost of bread and ruining engines. Less horsepower per gallon. Just think when the government wants to curtail travel due to martial law, you would be SOL without your own car or truck.

If the handicaps are within strokes of each other it almost guarantees a match that comes down to the last couple holes even if one player or the other is having a very good or very bad round. It also tends to assure that the better player will win the majority of the time when there is, say, an eight or ten stroke difference.

Which I think is eminently fair. But it will let the weaker player in the case at least hang around and not get beaten seven and five or some such. My long-hitting buddy Mark and I play "Sunningdale rules" when we get together. He plays two sets of tee farther back than I do because he drives the ball about versus my But since his handicap is about ten strokes better than mine, even with me playing forward so far his gross score will be lower.

We have an uncanny knack for every match coming down to a putt on the final hole under that arrangement. Brent - Thanks. I had not heard of Sunningdale Rules. Sounds interesting. If a player who was 2-down recovers to go 2-up, are his strokes given back. It is hole by hole. When we tee off on a given hole, if he is 2-down or worse he gets a stroke. Later on if the same guy or the other guy becomes 2-down they will get a stroke then.

Our parent-child tournament is similar to what you played this weekend, Mark--and I think is a traditional Pinehurst format. Both players hit tee shots, and then both players hit a second shot with the other player's ball. After those two shots, the team selects the ball in better position and plays alternate shot the rest of the way with that one ball.

It's a great format, especially with players of very different abillities. Father and son, in fact any combination of relative-relative golf, is terrific, if you get along. Grandparent-grandchild and three-generation play is great too, so many smiles on faces. Four-generation play would be just wonderful.

The format Mark mentions sounds very nice when youngsters and big differences in the distances players hit the ball are involved - as long as one player doesn't deliberately hit poor shots to get the other in trouble that is. I can see cheeky wee kids figuring this out pretty quick. Instead of giving my buddy strokes, I give him mulligans. Depending on the day and the course, I will give him anywhere from four to five a nine.

He just can't use them on the green, and on lone on a hole. Your membership expired on. To Continue availing exclusive benefits. Irrespective of the Digit i. After Nine Holes whatever is the score is the final score of the front nine half bet. And the same score counting is continued ahead for the 18 Hole Match bet till the 18th Hole.

And from the 10th hole seperate scoring is started afresh for the 2nd half bet. Tough one to expain in a forum