Golf Betting Games
Published: 15.12.2023

Mini golf date bets

Winner picks (or loser pays) for 3rd date. It still keeps things going, and you aren't actually locked into a 3rd date if things fizzle out. › take-swing-new-twist-miniature-golf. Maybe double down place bets on the score of each hole AND also the overall game. Instead of just giving it a go with standard putt-putt rules. Need another date night idea? Take inspiration from our first date and stack up with competition! Loser buys ice cream after mini golf! Whether you're a pro or have never golfed, a mini golf date is a fun activity anyone can enjoy. Here are some ways to spice it up!
Photo: mini golf date bets

There are two styles of cards the group will use throughout the mini-golf date night. Instead of just giving it a go with standard putt-putt. Plus mini golf is FUN!!! You don't have to take it seriously. You may want to take cues from your date though. If they are getting competitive. One such event mini golf date bets underway Thursday, March 18 at Atlantis Country Club in Palm Beach County, Fla. The one-day hole competition was filled. They are not allowed to explain that this is part of a bet. Doomtrain June 27,pm 8. The loser should bow down on the green while.

Take a Date Night Swing with a New Twist on Miniature Golf

Literally anyone can play mini golf. Your safety should be of first priority. Mini golf can be a safe place to meet your date where there are lots of other people around, yet you still have some privacy as well. Get up close to your date, put your arms around them, and teach them how to swing the putter. If this is your first date , mini golf can help to reduce the awkwardness of it.

In times of awkward silences, mini golf can give you and your date something else to focus on. Mini golf also gives you a chance to be flirty with your competitiveness…or making a fun bet …loser buys drinks after. One of the best things about mini golf is that you can just be yourself. And really, you can wear pretty much anything you want.

Men can wear a nice dress shirt and some jeans or a plain tee and a pair of shorts. Really, anything goes. Jeans and tee, a simple summery dress, or shorts and a tank top. Pretty much any city has a mini golf course in it, or at least somewhere nearby. A standard, outdoor course with simple, fun holes. Many indoor courses offer glow-in-the-dark courses — how cool!

It takes a little more coordination, but can also provide a little more laughter and competition. Windmills, monkeys, giant aliens — the skies are the limit when it comes to goofy golf. Date nights, especially playful ones, combat relationship boredom and, as a result, keep couples happier and more connected. Mini golf date bets Those lovey-dovey feelings can nourish your relationship in many ways.

Putt-putt is pretty cheap and enjoyable for all skill levels, but you can make your match-up even more exciting. Here are fun twists for your next miniature golf date night. Should the reward go to the winner of the hole round. Or, can you share the feel-good wealth with a reward for each hole won?

Maybe double down… place bets on the score of each hole AND also the overall game. For example:. Date Night Guide is a big fan of fun conversation starters. Use this concept to inspire a truth or dare twist during putt-putt. Or, to help build some date night anticipation, can dares be completed later in the bedroom or elsewhere?

You can add a fun twist to miniature golf at any putt-putt place. But check out these courses that are totally on par. Like the idea of adding a twist to golf. Photo: mini golf date bets You can apply similar date night ideas when playing other golf games, such as:.