Golf Betting Games
Published: 25.12.2023

Alfa beta charlie delta echo fanta golf indonesia

The NATO phonetic alphabet is a set of code words for the letters of the Latin alphabet. They are used to spell words when people speak over the radio or. A Alpha Alfa Adams B Bravo Beta Boston C Charlie Charlie Chicago D Delta Delta Denver E Echo Echo Easy F Foxtrot Fanta Frank G Golf Golf George H Hotel. Williams Electronics' F Tomcat identifies the enemy fighters with the NATO alphabet — Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Fox, and Golf. Lilt and a Fanta. Fanta, Golf and Hotel buy Product Integrators from Charlie, Delta, and Echo. 9. Fanta, Golf and Hotel incorporated in Product Integrators. Military Indonesia Union A Alpha Alfa Adams B Bravo Beta Boston C Charlie Charlie Chicago D Delta Delta Denver E Echo Echo Easy F Foxtrot Fanta Frank G Golf.
Photo: alfa beta charlie delta echo fanta golf indonesia

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Military Alphabet

In related news, Francisca Rojas is thought to be the first person ever convicted in the world by fingerprints. The year was and in Argentina. In related news, looking up the answers to both, takes work. Most results only provide first Americans convicted, not first in the world. When I asked several friends what movie actual movie not a documentary about the word uses the F-word most times, all the answers were wrong, including mine.

In related news, the highest number in a single movie not a documentary is The Wolf of Wallstreet. Most profitable movie roles. Johnny Depp stared in the Pirates of the Caribbean movies totaling million, 90 million apiece. Adam Sandler was paid Also in related news, Samuel L Jackson has the highest domestic career box office at 5.

The earliest known computer security form was to beat the guy next to you with a magazine for looking over your shoulder. A screwball comedy is a comedy that focuses on a couple where the female character usually dominates the male character. The more impressive feat though is to be in the top for the longest.

That honor is held by the very distant leader, Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon that has been on the top charts for 1, weeks consecutively. Second is Bob Marley Legend at almost Other top achievers are Journey, Metallica and Johnny Mathis. We tend to believe things we like and discount things we do not. This shapes our perception and thus our reality. When we list something as the biggest or oldest or anything definitive it is among the known, rarely an absolute.

What most people conceive of as emergency rations are far from enough to survive for long or what is needed for the conditions, they are in. Theory goes that the term movie easter egg was coined on Rocky Horror Picture Show. Alfa beta charlie delta echo fanta golf indonesia The crew had an Easter Egg hunt at one point while shooting and not all the eggs were found.

However, they can be seen in the background in the movie on occasion. Meatloaf had to audition for the role as he was not well known and no one felt he could nail the song. They were wrong. Oh so wrong …. If the entire nation lived with the same density of NYC, the entire country could live in Rhode Island. With the imperfection of an average shuffle, it takes seven times to shuffle a deck of cards into randomness.

Once random, it cannot become more random. Approximately 3,, went through a camp so top secret that it was not known until the late 90s, and even local residents in the area after the camp was torn down, had no idea it was there. They lasted three months. The nation apologized after the three months. We called them that, but they were also concentration camps.

No, we did not kill them. Photo: alfa beta charlie delta echo fanta golf indonesia We took away their freedom and violated their constitutional rights. The most prescribed medications in the US are a decent reflection of health in the US. High blood pressure, thyroid meds, diabetes and Cholesterol lead the way. In a nation that claims to be popping psych meds everywhere, the highest psych med is 14th on the list. The US state with the most numerous earthquakes is … Alaska by a longshot.

Alaska is also the most likely to have a severe earthquake. There have been numerous animals registered as extinct that are not. Among them are: tree lobster do NOT eat that thing , goblin shark also in the running for ugliest damn animal , and Kashmier musk deer it has fangs. In lreated news, martial arts movie stars in the US have had body guards not because they could not fight, but because so many others did.

The nearest star outside our solar system would take thousands of years to get to at light speed. Think about that next time you think you saw a UFO. One of the ways that votes are determined accurate is the random occurrence of numbers. In related news, I was taught that by my orthopedic surgeon when I broke by fifth metacarple. The USS Oregon was being scrapped but that scrapping was halted.

The ship was basically only a hull and turned into an ocean-going barge. To the best of my research and others who have helped, USS Wilmington commissioned on May 13, served in limited capacity in coastal defense throughout the war appears to be the oldest. It was named USS Dover through the war.

This is where he introduced King Arthur, Merlin, Guenevere and the legend began. This was in and what would be considered fan fiction today, building on the King Arthur story. In related news, the story not describe what the Holy Grail was. Also in related news, this means that one of the most cherished relics of Christian history as perceived by some, is purely a year old fictional object, literally.

You can influence and manipulate it and alter it. Gerald Ford took office as President while only ever being elected to serve as a Representative serving two counties in the US. The ship, The Great Western never had two or any skeletons in its hull discovered at time of scraping. The area in question was inspected many times and the people said to be in there would never have both been in there together.

Food quality and manufacturing regulation is not a new idea. At the turn of the last century there was no national food regulation or standards. One of the companies pushing for it hard, was Heinz. They benefitted from this but so did all consumers. Coca-Cola had to defend its right to have caffeine in their product in the Supreme Court. They compromised by cutting caffeine in half and Coca-Cola agreed to not use kids in their ads.

John Kellog started a sanitarium in Michigan and invented the corn flake. He also invented many other healthy food products. But the Kellog we know is not John but Will, his brother who bought the corn flake product from John. Phoenix open leaderboard today The rights to the name and the flake were later settled in the Michigan supreme court.

He had gone to the Sanitarium where Dr. Kellog was working health miracles but was unsuccessful in his effort to cure his ailment. He did however get the idea for cereal that was successful. In related news, it IS state sponsored, and court ordered addiction reduction, but addiction all the same. They di dlook the other way as drug cartels smuggled drugs in in exchange for intelligence in central America.

A traumatically amputated limb can cut off its own blood flow to keep from bleeding out. Many traumatic amputations never had a tourniquet and the person survived. I am also not a medical professional so taking my trivia as medical advice is moronic. In related news, tort law has always been around as long as there have been lawyers shocking.

Nixon was guilty of obstruction of justice and destruction of evidence. It was clear in his own words on the tapes. He was also guilty through conspiracy of defrauding the government, election tampering, bribery and dozens of local laws. In related news, Old as balls is about million years ago, when first animals developed external testis.

Leon Panetta as director of the CIA ran programs that Congress was not informed of, and denied when asked, that included domestic spying and intelligence gathering. It was secret because Dick Cheney ordered it so. It likely included an assassination program as well. In related news, the government has to keep secrets. It is the ones that leak out that often makes government look bad.

We are surrounded and permeated by radio waves constantly, continuously, everywhere … Almost all of them are natural, not man made. In related news, the biggest contributor is the Sun, then Jupiter, not to mention about lighting strikes a second that puts out radio waves. Everything orbiting, being orbited or unstable, puts out radio waves.

Man-made radio waves are a grain of sand on the beach in the world of electronic pulses in our world. Plant life absorbs blue and green light, leaving a sharp red color edge in the visible spectrum. This was discovered and the Jupiter explorer Galileo was used to look at Earth as a foreign planet looking for signs of life, as it passed by one of a couple times.

Also, also in related news, Galileo the space vehicle not the man took a very weird and complicated path to gain speed to get to Jupiter. It had originally been planned to launch from Challenger in a later flight so they had to get creative, with passes by Venus and Earth twice, as well as other moves to gain speed.

In related news, Monsanto never sued a farmer for their patented seeds ending up on his property. Alfa beta charlie delta echo fanta golf indonesia That was Hollywood making a film playing off of the fears of the public. They did sue the farmer in the movie though, for stocking, cleaning and replanting the seeds he had bought under contract and violated that contract. They would not have done it except it was a large operation.

That is the only time they have sued a private farmer for such issues. In related news, there is also no record in his lifetime of wearing a Coon skin cap. The accounts of him doing so are decades later, and at least second hand. In Alamo related news, there is no record of Travis ever drawing a line in the sand, but in his defense, hardly anyone lived to dispute it, or confirm it.

Jim Bowie was there, and he took over command since almost no one would listen to Travis. He was famous so the men who largely knew of one another, followed him. His Slave Jim is known to exist, and likely there. In related to that news, the Bowie family did make knives, but there is no one type of Bowie knife.

They made a wide variety of knives. Pop historians have denied that some knives were Bowie knives on such programs as Antiques Road Show, because they do not fit the Hollywood mold. The Peace symbol as we know it today, was originally created by Gerald Holtom and was a combination of the semaphore symbols of N and D which stood for Nuclear Disarmament.

The wedding vows are not found in the Bible but the foundation of them are found in religious writings. The religious ceremony holds no legal power. Also in related news, Ship captains can marry people, as could railroad conductors in the older times. In towns with no religious or official persons, a family member or most respected person in the town presided.

The Pope is often seen wearing or with an upside down cross. This is not a satanic thing, just a modern claim among those ill-informed. It is the cross of St Peter. He was crucified upside down because he felt he was unworthy of being killed the same way Jesus was. Oddly, serial killers slightly tended to like Volkswagen Bugs until the 90s, then they preferred Cherokees.

Most teams with attendance had less than 10k a game. Serial killers are of every race, every intelligence level, both genders and every definition of it. Although fewer women serial killers are known, society tends to want to deny them, so they become defined in other ways.

They are also often released early or hardly sentenced, largely based on how sexually appealing they appear. There is also a very clear bias in both news and law enforcement regarding blonde women, both offenders and victims. Like most sciences, the early days of behavioral analysis was only partially accurate and was wrong in many ways.

What changed was the broadening of the subjects studied and by who. Early definitions were based on assessments of mostly middle age white men by middle age white men. Although it is usually reported via secondary sources that the FBI feels there are about 60 serial killers in the US at any one time, some sources say up to 2, Although the high number is likely very high, that is a result of differing definition of serial killer.

FBI has changed their definition of what defines a serial killer. Pressure from politics there are many forms, not just partisan and federal has also pushed law enforcement to not report any death as a murder unless it is clearly one, leading to under reporting. In related news, in an age of ever-increasing loss of privacy and increase in tracking, the reports of missing persons are dramatically increasing.

In most states, evoking a lawyer will not always stop questioning, but what is said after cannot often be admissible. TV and movies often get it wrong, but it does differ. As said in another section, not all jurisdictions give you a phone call and you have no universal right to one. November 18, is when we went to standard time zones. They were demanded and established by the railroads.

Pareidolia is the tendency to see human faces in things that are not human faces like rock formations on Mars or toast. Project Plowshare was a program that sought peaceful uses for nuclear detonation. During the project, 31 nuclear warheads were detonated underground in the US for various reasons.

It had limited success. Aztecs are considered an ancient culture, having started in Oxford University is older than the Aztecs. Oxford University was established in In related news, University of Bologna was founded in and is the oldest continuously operating university in the world. It was later developed into a substitute for opiates as a treatment.

In German related news, the drink Jagermeister is German, obviously. The name means hunt master. It has at times been tied to Herman Goring but it was imported into the US by Sydney Frank, and marketed to young partiers. The Sargasso Sea is a section of the Atlantic and has no coast. It is also not an official title nor an official Sea. It is a region with a lot of seaweed called Sargasso and often times little wind which in combination gives the fear of becoming mired in the Sargasso.

Florida had been acquired by the British in trade for Cuba to the Spanish. Florida was split into East Florida with St. Augustine as its capital and West Florida with Pensacola as its capital. In related news, St Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied city in North America, predating Jamestown.

Also, also, also in related news, Florida during the Revolution was loyal to the King of England so they did not sign the declaration nor support the war. The tank, is called that because in original development, they were code named as water tanks since they were thought to be a war winning technology. The Rothschild conspiracy has some truth to it.

They did help finance, invest, in wars on both sides in the past but the wars of the 20th Century ended that when wars got too expensive. Columbus pretty much started the Trans-Atlantic slave trade but going the other way. He took natives of Haiti back to Europe since there was not enough gold to bring back.

He did not take anyone who could not pay tribute. The natives were required to pay tribute to Columbus with riches, gold preferred. If they had nothing or deemed not enough, an appendage was cut off. Thus rendering them without value as a slave in Europe. In related news, the Pre-Columbian population of Haiti was about 8,, In , the population was about 3,, By , the native population was gone.

Columbus is not a hero to America, he is a hero to white America. In related news, Columbus Day was largely pushed by the Knights of Columbus as an American Hero and has been painted in school history books as discovering North America were Millions of people already lived, bringing democracy and cultural evolution to cultures that already had democracy and far less disease.

Also in related news, if this feels unamerican to you, it is basic history and I take our history, the good and the bad, this is us. What is not known is he was not the only one. There were 31 flights shot down over Russia or Russian territories over time. In related news he also believed that a strong America was partially dependent on having the strongest economy in the world.

That sounds good until you understand that that meant he and many, many other presidents felt justified in undermining other economies in the world to ensure US Dominance, all while touting freedom and democracy. He also blockaded Russia in support of the Russian Revolution. Also, also in related news, cannibalism is not illegal in most states, including Colorado where Albert Packer was convicted of cannibalism.

Before the declaration of war using the explosion of the Maine while at dock in Cuba as the reason, it was investigated by many parties and all concluded that it was a coal dust explosion. A re-investigation in reiterated this. In related news, we lost a battle with Cuba.

Yes, we largely used Cubans who fled from Cuba as soldiers, but we were the one who designed and equipped the invasion. It was supposed to have US air support, which was late because of you know, time zones confused them. Many captured serial killers had been previously investigated and dismissed during the investigation for the serial killer.

In related news to them, there is no theory that links them, usually dubbed the single unified theory. Also in related news, Quantum entanglement or as Einstein described it, spooky action at a distance may explain or link these. Einstein and Niels Bohr did more in their competition to push physics than any other two people except maybe Newton. In related news to that, the Chinese are leading the research on Quantum Entanglement within quantum computing.

Although people may hate the whole concept of the atomic bombs, they gave us the world we live in through parallel and cumulative research. That is not a political view or statement, that is simple fact. Feel free to post your actual proof at the end of this or email me and I will edit this post if it checks out. There was no magic bullet implied or needed in the warren commission report.

They show a direct line of fire based on the angle of the shot, and the position of the two people injured. Also in related news, the full investigation of the assassination has already been released, most were done so in the 60s. Additional in the 80s and the remainder in In , the first recorded white women reached Oregon via the Oregon Trail.

Eliza Spalding, and Narcissa Whitman were missionaries and dispelled the common myth that the trail was too tough for women to survive. It cost more to manufacture than cost the nation it was used on and cost more lives to manufacture than cost in lives in the nation it was used on.

In related news, the total bomb load they delivered in WWII over its entire deployment, about 3, tons, was delivered by 3, V2 weapons that were single use only. Each major bombing raid by the allies delivered about the same amount and there were about 5, bombing raids in the time it took to deliver the V2s.

Totaling about 15,, tons of explosives. This is wrong. Stalin knew he could not defend himself from Germany, so he appeased Hitler, a lot. Many residences of almost all major Chinese cities have been wearing face masks for over a decade. Although it has widely been said THC is not addictive, anyone in a related field knows any behavior with rewards can be addictive including smoking THC.

In related news, the claim has been made that it is not addictive due to being natural. Although reduced to smaller components, so are coca cocaine and opium, any number of pain killers as well as heroin and tobacco. Also in related news, get over yourself, pot can be addictive just like alcohol, which is also all natural.

The existence of Area 51 has never been a secret, having been announced to the press when it was built. Area 52 however, is top secret and no one including me even knows there is one. It was settled in arbitration and thus no records are public. In related news, Chromium-6 can be harmful in high enough doses but most known about it related to health is based on breathing it in, not ingesting it which is the claim in this case.

Also in related news, almost all major companies that manufacture or construct, have a part of their budget for lawsuits. Some simply see it as part of doing business, but this is as much a reality of nuisance lawsuits as liability. In related news, Lincoln did not run for president on or intend to end slavery when he ran for office.

It was the fact the Lincoln was not even on the ballot and received no votes in 10 southern states that played a major role in triggering the Civil War. It was not slavery directly, nor the intended stop of slavery spreading into the west that Lincoln proposed that started the war. The South succeeded because they saw the election as an aggressive act by the North, against the South.

They saw the election as happening without regard to the South and its issues. But the issue of Slavery was the cornerstone of that perspective. Policies in Missouri regarding slavery is what largely turned the War of Succession into a war of abolition. That was 3 months and 3 days before Pearl Harbor and 3 months and 4 days before Germany declared was on the US.

The two naval forces exchanged fire again in October, this time the USS Kearny took a torpedo on October 17th, with 33 casualties including 11 deaths. The Massachusetts 54th was the second. The code of chivalry is only partly what we think. It was a symbol of Knights, but it was a result of Knights behavior prior to the code being imposed.

Also in related news, it was Knights apparent wealth that was as effective at saving their lives in battle as armor. When captured they would be ransomed back so they were more valuable alive, to their enemies. Much of the water that is contributing to sea level rising is from one Glacier; The Canadian Arctic Glacier.

I have sometimes been known to say someone could wear burlap and rock it. As it turns out, Marilyn Monroe actually wore a burlap potato sack once…. At the core of Marxism is the idea that the struggle that is the identity of any group of people, defines their social class. In related news, that means that any group of people working against a defined system or structure that seems to be holding them back and thus identifies that group , is demonstrating Marxism.

The caste system in South America was very odd. Bastille Day was not about freeing prisoners of The Bastille during the French Revolution, there were only seven prisoners, it was about getting guns. It also stated that the colonies wanted a government of, for and by the people while women, slaves and men who did not own enough property could not vote or take part in government.

In related news, this led to a series of taxes that eventually led to the American Revolution, but it was not the Stamp Act as so many of us were taught that was the last straw, it was the series of taxes on goods sent to the US under the Townshend Act of In related news, that was still over 10,, first generation people who survived the journey and enslaved, from the 12,, Africans taken from Africa to the US.

The Boston Tea Party was a rebellion regarding new regulations that would have actually made tea cheaper. The Political Tea Party was formed in an effort to reduce taxes. It was formed at a time when Americans were paying the lowest taxes in history. But clearly, we believed our police, fire fighters and EMS personnel should all take massive pay cuts since we all want to pay less taxes.

Oh and fire the damn teachers too …. Also in related news, tobacco came from the new world as well. More soldiers died from lung cancer connected smoking than died in the war. In Columbus related news, he was a terrorist as well as his brother who could be in the same category as Stalin, Hitler and the Khmer Rouge for ethnic extermination. In related news, Europe, Africa and Asia got tomatoes, tobacco, curry, corn, beans, potatoes, peppers and peanuts from the Americas.

Chutes and Ladders is just a modern version of Snakes and Ladders which is very old, s BCE, and requires no skills at all. The word barbarian originally meant anyone who does not speak Greek. In other words, almost all of us would be considered Barbarians today. One of the biggest guarantees animal species have had for survival of a species, in the last 10, years, is human interest in eating you or your products.

One of the biggest guarantees an animal has for living comfortably is to be entertainment for humans. Foraging in the modern context is homelessness. Ironically, through history, foragers did better than farmers or hunters with less time spent to meet the daily need for caloric intake.

The fall of communism did not lead directly to capitalistic success partially due to most of the ownership of intellectual property being retained by the states or individuals who used force or coercion for exploitation. In related news, people fled Eastern Europe and those who remained were often then and still, either oppressing or being oppressed.

The Antilia in Mumbai, India is one of the most expensive homes. In related news, one person would have to start vacuuming it on the first and finish just before the end of the month, working full time. Joe, G. Original Mr. Potato head was an actual potato, you supplied yourself.

Like many myths, the story regarding Lady Godiva can only be traced back to years after she lived. The occurrence of people living over has dropped rapidly as their birth dates, surpass record keeping dates in all the states. Terrorism is nothing new, going back 1,s of years. It is almost always religious based and used to achieve political goals.

In related news, it has always advanced the opposing political agendas as the opposing or victim party saw fit. They stated when they declared war on Germany they were fighting for the liberation of Poland. However, the ground tracking radar the RAF had was so accurate they were more accurate bombing at night than the US was in the day using the Nordon.

In the 60s, 70s, tactical nuclear warheads on small mobile launch platforms numbered in the 1,s. They were often controlled and under the discretion of low-ranking officers or even non-coms, such as my father. Tiger tanks were generally the most feared of the German tanks of WWII but they were more myth than foe.

There were less manufactured than there was Ts or Shermans over a single month. They also sucked gas like a … well, a lot. Narconon is Scientology based recovery and run by Association for Better Living and Education, which is owned by the Church of Scientology. In related news his name was never given as DB, that was a miss report by a newspaper.

He reported his name was Dan. In related news to that, Jack the Ripper never called himself that. He wrote the newspapers letters but never signed them. One letter after the story had gone cold was signed that but was later proven to have been written by a reporter and thus fake. Magnetic north is called north because it is in the north.

Magnetically it is actually a south pole. Moths can be colorful and flitter from flower to flower in the daytime. Butterflies can be drab and dark colored and be more active in the evening than day. The only reliable and simple way to tell them apart is their antennae. Emus and ostriches are related to one another and have similar appearance but differ significantly.

Emus grow to be about 90lbs, while ostriches grow to be Emus are largely brown, where ostriches vary in color. Emus can run to speeds of about 30mph and Ostriches about In related news, ostriches are more aggressive towards humans, but they can both easily kill a human. Although both are spiny, hedgehogs and porcupines are not related. They developed their natural spines independent of one another.

In related news, there are two types of porcupines that developed their spines independent of one another as well. Although both are spotted, Jaguars and Leopards can be distinguished from one another by Jaguars having clusters of different size spots and Leopards having more uniform spots like a Dalmatian.

Also in related news, Dalmatians are associated with firehouses due to the early years when horses pulled pumpers. Dalmatians would run out front of the horses, clearing a path for them. Dalmatians and horses are very comfortable with one another. In related news to that, Dalmatians were also great watchdogs for the horses that were sometimes stolen.

The dogs become very attached and protective. Dolphins that have a dorsal fin, have a curved or hooked one. They also have a long-pointed face and mouth as well as a lean body. The Raines sandwich was a sandwich that was handed from one person to another in a bar, and was uneaten for weeks. It was in response to the Raines Law that prohibited alcohol being served on Sunday, unless with a meal.

The sperm whale is the loudest animal on earth. It can reach Db, which is twice as loud as a jet taking off. He was the first actor to identify with AIDS. A loophole originally was a relatively small hole in a castle wall that arrows could be shot from and was almost impossible to attack. Cashews are related to poison ivy and their shells contain one of the chemicals responsible for the reactions poison ivy gives most people.

The earth is moving at 30Km per second around the sun that is orbiting the center of the galaxy at Km per second which is moving through the universe at km per second. While reading this, we have all moved about 3,Km. Or better yet, ask for a tanzanite, which is 1, times rarer than diamonds.

E is the most used letter in the English language. Strippers are contributing to the demise of marine life, due to glitter being a significant source or micro plastics in the ocean. Breakfast being the most important meal of the day is actually a marketing campaign from Grape Nuts.

Like pasta, ice cream was invented in China. Unlike pasta, ice cream is just an excuse for hot fudge. Under McCarthyism, he was accused of being a communist, so he went to China and helped them build their atomic bomb. Walmart used to hold life insurance policies on their employees and collected on them when one died without benefiting the family.

The Lithuanian basketball team participated in the Olympics only because they were funded by the Grateful Dead. In related news, the Arthur Story, is one of what would be considered fan fiction today, an original story added onto by many authors. A cur dog is a term to identify what someone considers to be the lowest form of dog of which there is none usually a mixed breed, and often a stray or beggar dog.

Century, or sentry plants do not grow for a century, but they do grow big. They can be 10 feet wide and the shoot they eventually send up to flower can reach 30 feet. They live years, blooming once. They are part of the agave family. A wooden cutting board should not be used for meat. A plastic cutting board should not be used for surfing.

An itch as a noun is a place of skin irritation that causes the desire to scratch. Itch can also be a verb when describing a place that is actively causing the need to scratch, but itching is NOT the act of scratching. Rinsing a coffee mug is not that same as washing one. In some circles, washing a coffee mug is highly offensive. In related news that is because rice cookers are based on final volume of cooked rice, which expands.

The largest conch shells can be up to 2 feet in size and house the second largest snail in the world, largest in North America. The largest shells belong to Tridacna gigas, or giant clams. The shells can be 2 meters wide and weigh kg. They can live to around years old.

The Bleroit XI is thought to be the oldest flyable aircraft in the world, with two operational examples. They were made in Its job is to refuel Bs. Also also in related news, Brig. Gen Jimmy Stewart flew his final combat mission in a B over Vietnam. Also, also, also, the B is the largest aircraft credited with an air to air kill, 3 times in Vietnam.

His methods, learned from a life of crime, established much of the foundation of modern police work, forensics, profiling, deductive reasoning and notes for investigation. He found the jewels in 4 days after being missing for months. In related news after he was released from the police force after 20 years, he founded the first recognized private detective agency.

Also in related news, he is said to be part of the inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, although it is unclear if inspiration for detectives or thieves. I have mentioned the Hope diamond before, but it has many stories connected to it. It is one of the most stolen gems in history and has been cut down several times.

What is now seen in The Smithsonian, is a fraction of what it was long ago, and to be honest, not impressive. In oddly related news, Saudi Arabia and Thailand today are not on good terms. This stems from the crown for lack of a better term jewels of a Saudi Prince that were stolen by a Thai thief and taken back to Thailand.

When returned, all the jewels had been replaced by fakes. Thailand has never accepted they were fake, Saudi Arabia has never backed off their claim. I have said this in a different way before, but organic does not mean chemical, poop, heavy metal, or pesticide free. In similar logic, Tic Tacs contain no sugar according to their label, but are It is a matter of minimums and standards for labeling, NOT clear lines of definition or value.

No organic foods are chemical free. Whater is a chemical. So is the food made up of many chemicals. The sound of the jungle as heard in many movies, the animal call, is the Kookaburra, which is only found in Australia and New Guinea. In somewhat related news, the first earthy probe to land on another planet was on Venus in , sent by Russia.

The modern salute, there have been many over time, is thought to have originated from French Knights. For the most magical woman I know, the whole Harry Potter series contains chapters, 4, pages and 1,, words. In the theme of the Corona Virus, it takes about 27, trees to make the TP used in one day.

Panic consumed much, much …. The French Revolution was largely flamed by rumors and inuendo regarding Marie Antoinette. Still doubt the power of the press and the ability to run off with a story for effect. The Mona Lisa was stolen from The Louvre in The empty space drew more crowd than the painting before. In related news, Vincenzo Peruggia was the thief, who just walked out with it, besides the frame.

It was returned in Also in related news, Honda has been the maker of the most stolen model of cars most years since Physicist William Higinbotham, worked on both the first nuclear bomb and helped develop the first video game. The jury is out on which has been more destructive.

Ironically, these are often used by police but illegal in war, just like the aforementioned teargas. Although arguments are made both ways, there is no more than 1 bridge currently that crosses the Amazon. The river is 4, miles long. Piss poor is a reference to collecting urine in a pot to sell to hide tanners, thus raising a pittance of money via piss.

June weddings came about because flowers were available, both for beauty and scent. Weddings were usually held outside. Thatch roofs that did often contain bugs were not synonymous with canopy beds. Canopy beds were expensive, and the frame is meant to hold curtains, and a canopy was easy to add. It offered privacy and warmth, to the wealthy, not the poor.

The last for not being funny. On the other end of the spectrum, there is a list of 5 time hosts, although Paul Simon is in the club with 4 since he also has performed musically many times. Godfried has been banned from many shows. There is a myth that saved by the bell, the phrase not the TV show, was a reference to being buried alive and the devices invented to save them, no.

It is from boxing. In , Russia paid for Pepsi with Vodka. As mentioned previously, All Russian Vodka is state owned, so the government paid for the nation to have Pepsi. In a bizarre perspective, until they sold the fleet for scrap, Pepsi had the 6th largest fleet in the world. It would take 1.

A woman once jumped from an observation deck on the Empire State building and survived. She landed on a 3 foot ledge below. The reason music is listed as the top 40 on radio play, is that juke boxes held 40 records and the list told owners what to buy to have the most popular music. But yes, they are born with them. The i, in ipod and iphone stands for internet and debuted in the internet optimized imac computer released in The food pyramid is a term that originated in Egypt when they stored food in the pyramids.

In related news, for a long time the US owned all the GPS system but today there are many developing or in service. The US could turn off access or degrade the accuracy at will and did deny access to the Indian Army once. It was attended by 60,, people in In related news, a titter is a short half suppressed laugh, often following an odd sounding word being used.

He was an economics professor. Fairy Floss was the original name of Cotton Candy, which as mentioned before was invented by a dentist. In vaguely related news the oldest person to hit the UK singles charts is Louis Armstrong at age In kinda related news if hyped up on enough coffee, the cardboard ring around a coffee cup, say the ones you paid 4 times too much for, is called a zarf.

In related news, this has been known for 30ish years in and yet many museums still display it on hind legs. Also, also in related news, these types of issues are not uncommon among many dinosaurs displays. Colorado has an active volcano, Dotsero. It has not erupted since the pyramids were built though. Frissons, a French word meaning shiver sensation, goosebumps.

Starfish have mouths in the center of their bodies. Think about that next time you see a cartoon mermaid wearing starfish as a bikini top …. In related news, Starfish have no blood, only cloudy looking watery substance. Think about that in reference to the cartoon bikini. Happy Birthday is the first Earth song to be played on a foreign planet. Curiosity rover on Mars played it for itself.

In related news, as far as we know Mars is the only known planet to be entirely populated by robots. The holy trinity is not what ya think, it is onions, celery and bell pepper … at least in the Cajun of south. A knife is cutlery. There is no word on why a spoon is not called scooplery or fork is called poklery. In related news, they are also siphonophore, which means it is actually not one animal but a colony of animals, each having a specific role.

The other way around is possible, the correct way is not. It was set up by Bell Telephone long ago not specifically for Hollywood, but they are the most frequent users of it. They also set up the area code It too is a fake area code, but most often used for LA, since California also has as an area code. This was called intercalation and is still seen today in effect.

In related news, the Gregorian calendar is the one that introduced the leap year to keep in step with the moon and seasons. It also moved Easter, something still not stable in its location. Also in related news, the Julian calendar no leap year and Gregorian calendar Leap year included at no additional cost currently differs by 13 days, accumulated over time.

In Easter related news, the term Passover is Jewish in origin and celebrates the end of Jewish slavery in Egypt exodus and no it had nothing to do with building the pyramids. Also in related news, this is another example of Catholic holidays simply being co-opted holidays from other religions, often Pagan. Similarly in related news, the whole bunny and eggs thing is an evolution from the 19th century.

Easter had been a drinking festival of course and the 19th century introduced childhood as a time when children should be children, not small workers. The industrial revolution kinda challenged that. There was no noted confusion in the day in Germany. In related news I look forward to this fad ending when people finally realize that rolling raw fish in sticky under cooked rice should not cost so much, nor does it taste good without the sauces and as usually served in the US is really Sashimi.

Ever notice we use the term chicken to denote someone without courage, but chickens can be mean as f …. Crap does not come from the inventor of indoor plumbing, it comes from Latin meaning chaff, or wasted part of grain. In China it is legal for someone to hire a body double to stand trial for you and serve in prison.

Togas were not merely a type of clothing; they were only legally to be worn by Roman citizens, so it was a status thing … like all fashion. It also includes slaves, house, ox, ass or anything that belongs to him. In related news Guy Fawkes Day started as a royal mandate. The king demanded that the Gunpowder Plot be celebrated since it failed, thus supporting the crown.

That order kinda backfired. Since , any whale, porpoise or sturgeon that washed up on a UK shore, were property of the king. Dinosaurs truly did live on the other side of the galaxy. This is a different way of reflecting that the galaxy spins like the solar system and thus that long ago, the earth was on the other side of the spinning galaxy. White vinegar, the kind available in clear containers at the supermarket is made of water and sugar or cheap grain alcohols or even vodka, and acetic acid.

In French Lick Springs Indiana, that name should be illegal it is legally required for black cats to wear a bell on Friday 13, a myth that has no known basis. The US has declared war 5 times in its history, not counting the Revolution. However, the US President has used military force at least times without declaring war in the history of the nation.

Officially, the Vietnam War never declared thus a police action lasted 20 years, There were officially , deaths in that time. Also in comparison, The Iraq War, again never declared thus a police action was active from March December The Hague Convention of formalized and revised the process of declaring war.

The formation of the UN has largely superseded the act of formal declarations of war. It IS legal to marry a dead person in France. It is a solution to illegitimate children becoming legitimized. The Witchcraft act of England made it illegal to pretend to be a witch. It was legal to actually be one though. Background checks are not like in movies.

They require more than a name to run one and they are labor intensive. There is no central database and no simple search. Experienced people can do one efficiently, but they are still labor intensive. Some jurisdictions are still on paper. There is NO central database. In related news, this means the background check for guns purchases is as silly as well think it is and it sounds like.

Draco was an Athenian lawyer who crafted many laws for the city. In that time, he has predicted more winter times, early spring 19 times. Since the s, France passed a law stating that unless on a bike or horse, a woman cannot dress like a man. Due to social progress that France is known for, that law was repealed in In related news as referenced in other trivia here, high heels were originally male, and dresses were universal.

Confusing …. Now ya know. The cornea is the only part of the human body that does not use blood. It gets oxygen directly from the air. Regardless of handedness, most people bend their heads to the right, to kiss. Those who do not are a headache.

Your lips are far more sensitive than your fingertips so brail should be read with ones lips. Go ahead, try it. A device was invented that allows you to breath the air in your sewer line if your house is on-fire while you wait for help. In related news there was also an invention that would birth a human baby through centripetal force.

Both octopus and squids have eight arms, not technically called tentacles. Some can be referred to as legs. Mata Hari, a famous WWI female spy was not really a spy. She grew fame for being killed by Germans for suspicion of being a spy, a rare event for a woman. She never functioned or trained as a spy and produced no intelligence.

Known as the continent that is trying to kill you, the three deadliest animals in Australia non-human in order are Horses, Cows and dogs … yeah. It is said that volcanoes are a major contributor to global warming through CO2. Volcanoes annually put about million tons of CO2.

By comparison, humans are responsible for 10 billion tons. Due to the young average death age in Africa, the average age of humans in the world is about 29 years old. Adoration of the Mystic Lamb is thought to be the most stolen and recovered painting in history, 7 times. Violets have a chemical smell that reactivates smell receptors, so they constantly have a strong scent.

The Ibex went extinct, twice. Once it was hunted to extinction, the second time one was cloned but only lived a few days and thus the species went extinct again. The word breakfast is literal, to break your overnight fast; the longest period of non-eating in a normal day. Due to there always being pregnant women, the average number of human skeletons in each human body, is always above 1 depending on your definition of life and all that riffraff.

In related news, they are also more sensitive to temperature changes this explains a few things. There are no wild horses in the US. This is important for accuracy in the military and in air travel and shipping. For instance, it may be difficult to hear whether a person is saying the letter "pee" P or "bee" B.

The NATO code words "papa" and "bravo" are much clearer. Each code word begins with the letter that it stands for. Although it is commonly called a "phonetic alphabet", it is not used for phonetics as the International Phonetic Alphabet is. For this reason it is also called a "spelling alphabet". There have been many different spelling alphabets over time, but the NATO alphabet is the most commonly used around the world.

Between ships at sea, signal flags are used to stand for letters in order to spell out words. Below are the symbol flags and NATO code words for each letter of the alphabet. The pronunciations of the code words are given in the International Phonetic Alphabet. The R's in these two words, as well as at the ends of several other code words, do not need to be pronounced.

These are the R's that are not pronounced in British English. Numbers also have code words, but these are very close to the normal English names. Like letters in words, each digit of a number is read out individually. For instance, "13" is read as the two digits one three , not as the number thirteen.

An exception occurs when "00" or "" appears in a number.