Golf Betting Games
Published: 06.04.2024

Kevin malone golf betting

TIL that all the betting variations Kevin suggests when playing golf with a potential client in s03e17 are real. › watch. There's a reason Kevin Malone is well-versed in golf money games. Actor Brian Baumgartner is an avid on-course gambler. Kevin is Addicted to Gambling. The Office. Up Next. Night night. Jess. I'm Pooped Time For Bed. TLC Europe. Goodbye My Lover, Goodbye My Friend. The Office. Wolf? Bingo Bango Bongo? Kevin Malone shares his favorite game to take your money on the course. (Diamond Resorts #DiamondLPGA) #golf #theOffice.
Photo: kevin malone golf betting

Kevin from "The Office" likes an edge when making golf bets. - YouTube #golf. Brian Baumgartner, the actor who played Kevin on The Office, is golfing buddies with Dave Roberts and was thus privy to some Dodgers' moves. Golf Betting with Kevin or Blisties with Andy. Kevin is the degenerate gambler of the bunch and one of the best characters because of it. In. Wolf? Bingo kevin malone golf betting Kevin Malone (@BBBaumgartner) shares his favorite game to make money on the course. (@diamondresorts #diamondLPGA).

What does Kevin from The Office, Brian Baumgartner, have to do with Dodgers’ busy offseason?

Jenna, he lists all of these games. I wrote them down. You want to hear what they are. Don't forget Arnies. I looked it up. These are all real ways to bet on golf. They're real. I mean I have an explanation for all of them. I won't go into it but fascinating. I didn't even realize you could do this much golf betting.

So he is gambling with Dunder Mifflin's petty cash. Let's move on to the job fair. Pam has to walk down memory lane and for high school and you learn a lot about her. But yet in Company Picnic she's like a volleyball pro. So what's happening. Thank you for everyone that wrote in.

As soon as Pam said that, I was like, what the heck. Kevin malone golf betting Chelsea B wrote in this theory on why it still tracks that she would have pretended to have PMS while also being a volleyball champion. And I loved it. So here is Chelsea's theory. She says People always point out the continuity error that Pam says she faked cramps so she wouldn't have to play volleyball in gym class.

However, maybe Pam faked cramps because she didn't want to have to play volleyball with her classmates who weren't very good at it. As a former athlete myself, I can tell you I wouldn't have had much fun playing my sport with people who sucked at it. So in my opinion, it's not surprising that she tried to get out of it.

I love that Chelsea is like, Pam is such a bad ass volleyball player that she cannot handle a gym class volleyball game. This was just like everybody get exercise in gym class. We're going to play volleyball today. So Pam was probably on the varsity team, but she just didn't want to have to play in gym class.

It was a waste of her time and talent. OK, ok. Photo: kevin malone golf betting I appreciated it. Well, there's another deleted scene with Pam as she's going through the high school. She walks past the sports trophy case and there is a big old photo of Roy Anderson, the big jock, you know, in high school.

And she looks at it and says, nine years of my life. In a high school photo. And Oscar has a deleted talking head where he says, No. Surprisingly enough, I did not always dream of being an accountant at Dunder Mifflin. In high school I was just a normal kid.

I made decent grades, played bass in a new wave band, had a poster of Kim Basinger over my bed. Oh, how I wanted to be Kim Basinger. I wish it had stayed in. So much so that the only thing that he brought was a blank piece of paper, so it's the four of them sitting at a table with a blank piece of paper in front of them. It's conceptual.

It's what he says. Meanwhile, the booth next door has like a basketball hoop and then one has like a popcorn machine. No one is going to stop by this booth. And there's a deleted scene Jenna that goes on for so long- I loved it so much- of just a steady stream of kids walking past you guys not stopping at all.

And the only one that stops briefly sits down is popcorn like container and just leaves it there like trash. It spills over. And then Oscar is just tidying up this kid's trash. I so loved getting to be on location with these three guys. We had the best time. They gave all the background actors the direction that they should be, like having a great time and smiling and high energy at all the other booths so that when you got to ours, it was particularly quiet and sad looking.

It was cracking me up. Well, let me tell you what they're up to. They're up to trying to sneak out of work. I mean, Meredith and Phyllis are stirring the pot. Michael is gone. They don't want to stay the whole day. Dwight reminds them all that when Michael is gone, Jim is in charge.

And when Jim is gone, Andy and Dwight are in charge. And when Andy is gone, you answer to Dwight. And Stanley's like, I don't give a crap, I'm out. Us open golf leaderboard And Dwight doesn't know what to do. You know, we have said we feel like Stanley is the person Dwight was like, I am not going to, like, mess with Stanley. But Dwight asserts to the whole office, Look, you guys, the American workday ends at five o'clock.

He's actually interested in Dunder Mifflin and Michael signals her to stop. He goes up to this kid whose name is Justin. He says, I don't think this is the job for you. Paper should be more of a hobby for you. And then he takes away the kid's pamphlet that he was looking at. If Michael only brought one sheet of paper to the job fair, where did the brochure come from that Pam gave to Justin and Michael took away?

I felt like the paper was their prop, was the thing that was supposed to be the eye catching moment as people walked by. Michael is furious that Justin signed his name on their blank piece of paper. He's even more furious to learn that Pam only brought the one. I love that she totally calls him out on it.

She said, Michael, do you not remember. I said, are you sure that we only need one sheet of paper. And you said, yeah, we only need one sheet of paper to make a difference. And then you sneezed in my tea and said, don't worry, it's just allergies. That's what the kids say, Jenna. We had a fan question from Kate B. When Justin signed his name on the piece of paper he writes, Justin E.

But later in the episode, he tells Michael that his last name is Paulsnick. I'll tell you. So maybe he was writing his actual last name. Isn't that amazing. Kevin malone golf betting He played Frederick Crane, the son of Frasier and Lilith. He also went on to have a recurring role on Mad Men. He was in season six and seven as a copywriter.

He currently stars as Josh Hoberman in the sci fi show The Magicians. He is a Scorpio. I'll have you know. I don't feel like you've shared their Zodiac sign before. Is this a new part of the guest star breakdown. They've waited for their moment. Dwight finally gets up and exits the bullpen to go to the bathroom and Creed calls Angela to tell her they're all leaving.

The scene made me laugh so hard Jenna because this is a bit that Creed and I still do to this day. Creed will text me Pumpkin's out, or if we hang out, I'm like, all right, I'm going to go he'll say, Pumpkin's out. Like, he still says this to me after all of these years.

And this just warmed my heart. I loved it so much. Sam, can you play the clip. So we're gonna ditch this bitch. You in. Pumpkin's out. Let's go gang. People who listen to the podcast know that Creed calls you pumpkin in real life. And they wanted to know was Creed ad libbing in the scene and using his real life nickname for you or was Pumpkin in the script?

And then he started calling you pumpkin after this. So Creed did not improvise that. But I will tell you, ever since we shot Job Fair, he has called me pumpkin to this day. He still calls me pumpkin. It's so cute. I loved that scene. Everyone except Angela. There is a great scene that's deleted where Dwight comes out and he goes, ha.

Last man standing. And then Angela briskly walks past him and goes, excuse me. And then there's a talking head that Angela has that really explains why she is just as eager to be one of the last people in the office. So this is nice. I spit out my water. I went to take a sip of water while we were listening to the deleted scene.

It seemed like a safe time to take a sip of water, but that was so good. And at the end they had me do a little smile like that I was very delighted by this. Well, Dwight's going to use this opportunity to call Michael and tattle. He is very, very mad. Michael is like, yeah, that makes total sense.

Don't be weird. Everyone should go home. Why should they be there. Jim's not there. Who cares, right. He has personal standards. He's going to work his day. Back at the job fair pam has gone into her old art room to get a sheet of paper. Pam just wants one moment of her glory days, right. One moment.

She's going to show the camera her piece of art. Surely it's still on the wall. People wanted to know, what exactly is Pam looking for on the wall. Was it artwork. Was it an award. They wanted to know if there was more to this scene. And also just what was my take on this. I'll tell you, the idea was that when Pam was in school, a piece of her art was put on the wall on display.

And it was a big moment for her that she was very proud of. And she very, very quickly, as soon as she says maybe it's still there, realizes that like a decade has gone by since this moment that she was so proud of, probably the last moment that her art was held up for admiration because, remember, her art show didn't go great.

And she's quickly embarrassed and has to just stuff it down and walk away. She finds a blank piece of paper and shows it to the camera. Pam says, My old art room. Hey, I wonder if it's still here. She looks around at the walls that have some student artworks on them. They must have taken it down. Never mind. It's hard to realize that you've put your hopes and dreams on hold.

He wanted Dunder Mifflin cardstock. He doesn't want this stupid random piece of paper. He sends her back to the office. He said, I don't want this Pendelton crap, which I looked up online and I couldn't find Pendelton paper. I did find Pendleton business cards. But he says, Pam, I want the ultra white card stock.

And she goes and gets the ultra white card stock out of the copier. Dwight looks puzzled and rightly so, because I don't think that paper lives in the copier. Just going to say,. She pulls it from a specialty drawer in the copier, not from the main paper feed of the copier, which could have held copy paper, perhaps in our special drawer you can select for when you want cardstock.

I saw that and not the other drawer, but I just think it would be on the shelf so. So it had to come out of the copier. All right. That's the real reason. I think maybe we should take a break and then we'll get into it. After we've refreshed ourselves and emptied our bladders. I will wash my hands. After we have refreshed ourselves and emptied our bladders. All right, guys, we'll be right back.

All right, we are back, Mr. McGuire is struggling with his ball. He can't get it out of the sand Jenna. And he doesn't want anyone to help him. He wants to do it himself. And listen, Andy is just such a hot mess. He's having all of his rage issues. He's got on his pants that have little pheasants on them.

And McGuire is a big no. He's just like, no, no, no. He hops in the golf cart and crashes it. The roof of the golf cart is ripped off. This is a major golf cart crash. I mean, I feel like this was a big stunt for us. We got a lot of mail about it. People wanted to know, did Ed do this stunt. No, no, no. We also got questions about everyone's actual golfing ability.

Thomas V wants to know, did any of these guys actually play golf. And he really, really enjoyed it. And he said since this episode, he has started playing recreationally. But he added, it's just for fun. Nothing like Brian Baumgartner. You guys, we have talked about this before. He's a heck of a golfer. Ange, he told me that his handicap is seven.

Generally, he doesn't get much responsibility, so in " The Merger ", he is delighted that he gets to shred company documents. However, in the excitement of showing everything that it can shred, he puts in his own credit card. He later uses the shredder to make a salad " The Merger ". After some deliberation, Kevin joins Angela's party in " A Benihana Christmas ", but only because of the double-fudge brownies.

Scrantonicity got to perform at " Phyllis' Wedding ". It was the third wedding they performed at, having also played at their bassist's wedding and their guitarist's wedding. During " Cocktails ", Kevin is asked if he and Stacy have set a date for their wedding. Kevin says they have, but it is very complicated, hinting that they may have separated.

After Roy begins to shout at Pam for revealing the kiss she shared with Jim, Kevin can briefly be seen holding up his fists ready to defend Pam as she walks away from Roy. In " The Convict ", Kevin implies that he is involved in insider trading , but wasn't aware of the legal implications.

He greatly enjoys the hot dog eating contest during " Beach Games ", saying that lying on the beach eating hot dogs is "all he's ever wanted". In the season premiere, " Fun Run ", Kevin openly suspects Jim and Pam of "hooking up" and is determined to prove his speculations to his neighboring accountant Oscar. Oscar is not convinced, but Kevin is vindicated in the episode " Dunder Mifflin Infinity ", when Jim and Pam reveal their relationship to their coworkers.

Kevin suffers a series of setbacks during the season. In the episode "Money", Kevin announces that has split from the band " Scrantonicity " and formed " Scrantonicity II ". However, none of his coworkers come to support his new band. Also, Kevin, along with all of the other Dunder Mifflin employees except for Michael are made to park in a satellite parking lot, which angers all of them.

Kevin is one of the most distraught, and he teams up with Andy in order to do something about it. They suggest to Michael that an assembly be called between the " Five Families ". He later explains that the " Five Families " are the five companies which share the Scranton business park, and that the bosses "rarely meet".

When Michael denies him the opportunity to call a meeting, Kevin and Andy decide to call a meeting anyway. At the meeting, Kevin and Andy attempt to be polite and in charge, since Michael isn't there. Kevin finally breaks down, demanding the parking spaces back, claiming that "some people have to park really far away and walk all the way to the office, and some people sweat too much for comfort.

In " Job Fair ", Kevin's zeal to gamble during a trip to the golf course with Jim, Andy and a prospective customer implies that his gambling may be a compulsive behavior rather than just a casual hobby, as he takes money from petty cash in order to turn it into "this month's rent.

In " Goodbye, Toby ", Dwight tells the office's new HR representative Holly that Kevin is mentally challenged and that he got his job at Dunder Mifflin through a special program. Holly pays special attention to Kevin, praising him for being able to drive a car and helping him decipher how to choose a snack from the vending machine.

Kevin, however, interprets Holly's frequent praise and breathy condescension as sexual interest in him. However, after Holly steps in when Angela berates Kevin over a mistake he made, the truth comes out and Holly is obviously embarrassed. In a deleted scene from " Baby Shower ", it is revealed that Kevin donated sperm to the same sperm bank Jan went to, proclaiming "I might have done it with Jan" afterward.

She is then taken back at the idea that he might be the biological father. In another scene, Jan publicly breastfeeds Astrid, much to the disturbance of most of the office-workers. Kevin then tries to discreetly look at the topless Jan, but she allows him to stare because she feels that it is natural.

However, when Creed begins to stare, she starts to feel embarrassed and calls for Michael. During an office robbery in " Crime Aid ", Kevin's surge protector was stolen. Unfortunately, Kevin "is now prone to surges". In a deleted scene, Ryan confesses that he ran his BMW into Kevin's car and damaged a side mirror, but refuses to pay for the damages by claiming that "Ryan 1.

In " Prince Family Paper ", Kevin finds out that he does not have full internet access at the office. During the episode " Blood Drive ", Kevin meets a woman named Lynn, and likes her but is awkward when talking to her. Andy, Jim, and Pam give him greatly disparate advice on wooing her in " Golden Ticket ", and ultimately he successfully asks her to dinner and a movie.

However, in a deleted scene, Kevin tells the camera that he and Lynn had broken up. Kevin mentions her in " The Delivery ", declaring that "Lynn was way hotter than Erin ". When Kelly shouts that she despises her middle name, Rajanighanda, Kevin thinks it's a boy's name. In " Casual Friday " Kevin brings a batch of his "Kevin's Famous Chili " upstairs to the office, only to drop the pot, causing chili to spill all over the floor in front of Erin's desk.

He desperately tries to clean up the mess, only to drench papers and binders in chili while spreading the food all over the carpet. It is also shown that he drives a Honda CR-V. In the episode " Gossip ", Michael spreads rumors about various people throughout the Office, including that Kevin has a person inside of him who controls him like a machine.

He also wears a toupee, comparing himself to Ashton Kutcher. In the episode " Mafia ", Kevin inadvertently causes Jim's credit card to get canceled while he and Pam are on their honeymoon in Puerto Rico. He answers Jim's phone and pretends to be Jim while hanging out in Jim's office causing the bank teller to think Jim is in Scranton and the honeymoon trip was an incident of identity theft.

When Erin tells Michael she wants to be an accountant in Scott's Tots , he tells Erin that Kevin originally applied for the warehouse, but he saw something in him. In " Secret Santa ", Michael lets Kevin sit on his lap to show that he is a better Santa than Phyllis who took his place, but Michael ends telling Kevin that he almost killed him because of his weight.

In " The Delivery " Kevin sets up lunch for Pam, which they call ultra feast, and tells the camera that he has cooked his way through the Julia Child book and now is halfway through the Twilight Cookbook. Michael sets Kevin up with Erin but when Erin tells Michael that she likes Andy, not Kevin, Michael ends up telling Kevin that Erin never liked him and he should not have taken Michael's prior comments about her being interested in him seriously.

In " New Leads " Dwight tries to choke Kevin because he hid the leads, which he threw in the trashcan. In " Happy Hour " Kevin makes baby sounds to Pam in hopes of causing her breasts to secrete milk, to no avail until Kelly 's crying causes it. In " Secretary's Day ", the office are amused by a video Oscar makes that compares Kevin's voice to that of Cookie Monster.

Kevin reports it to Gabe, but the office ignores Gabe's attempts to stop the mockery and ultimately, Kevin ends up impersonating Gabe as well, making everybody laugh. At the end of the episode, he makes a video of Oscar as The Count with only Michael finding it funny. In the cold open of " Nepotism ", when the entire staff is doing a lip-dub to " Nobody but Me ", Kevin wears a fedora with sunglasses and has Meredith strapped on his back.

Later, Kevin helps Pam play a prank on Dwight with switching the buttons on an elevator. It is established he used to work in elevator maintenance. However, a deleted scene suggests that this may be a lie, leading to the elevator's breakdown. In a deleted scene of " Counseling " Michael asks the sales staff if they have ever had a dog and Kevin tells Michael that he likes the dog Brian from Family Guy saying, "He has a funny voice.

In a deleted scene of " Andy's Play ", Kevin visits his sister who is also in the production of Sweeney Todd. In " Sex Ed ", when Meredith reveals she has genital herpes, Kevin mistakenly thinks that means she has a penis. Later, during Andy's sex ed, Andy asks what are some of the consequences of sex besides STDs , and Kevin shouts out that intercourse feels "unbelievable".

Andy then makes a pro-column. When listening to other pros of sex, Kevin shouts out that it feels "amazing", which leads him to be asked by Andy whether there's a difference between "unbelievable" and "amazing", to which Kevin answers yes. When the topic of unplanned pregnancies comes up, it results in some negative comments towards Jim and Pam, the most negative coming from Kevin, who tries to get them to admit their baby was a mistake.

In " The Sting ", he joins Andy's band with Darryl and is the drummer. He suggests that maybe he could sing Andy's song, but Andy believes Kevin's voice would be better suited for a novelty song about frogs. Kevin still tries to persuade Andy to let him sing his song since he believes he has a unique voice, "like Bob Dylan ". Later, the band performs a song titled "Bullfrog in Love", with Kevin doing the vocals.

In the cold open of " Costume Contest ", when the staff is trying to see the limit of what Stanley won't notice, Kevin dresses up as Phyllis and sits at her desk, but Stanley doesn't realize the difference. At the costume party, Kevin dresses up as Michael Moore. Kevin shows some anger towards new traveling salesman Danny, who went out with Pam years earlier and never called her back, and claims he will never forget what he did since he's "like an Elephant that way".

However, he does want to go to Danny's bar that the staff was invited to but decides against in respect to Jim and Pam. When Andy and Kevin tell him why they will not be able to make it, Danny tells them he'll talk to Jim and Pam since Andy and Kevin exaggerated by saying they begged them not to go , and Kevin warns him not to tell them they said anything or Danny's "dead".

Kevin also strikes up a friendship with Gabe, telling him about some Lady Gaga moves he could do for the costume catwalk, but is wrongly yelled at by Michael, who believed Kevin was going over his head to Gabe with an idea. In " Christening ", Kevin attends the christening of Jim and Pam's daughter, Cece , but when the food quickly runs out at Jim and Pam's reception, he complains that he canceled his plans to come and feels he is not being properly rewarded.

Michael harshly tells Kevin, and Stanley, who was complaining as well, that if they don't stop worrying about what they're going to eat all the time, they will be dead in "about a month". Later, when Jim believes Angela stole his baby and he yells out for someone to stop her from leaving the church, Kevin grabs her purse, believing the baby to be stored in there, but instead finds what he thinks to be "thousands" of scones Angela stole from reception.

In " Viewing Party ", when the office is watching a live broadcast of the SWAT surrounding the Scranton Strangler's house, he thinks they "should do that thing where they play the really good music to get him to come out". Kevin also sets Michael down his jealous path when he refers to Gabe as the boss. Michael sets up the company's booth at the job fair by placing one sheet of white paper on the table and nothing else.

The client Jim is trying to impress, Phil Maguire, suggests they bet on the golf game, which excites Kevin, as he both loves to gamble and proves to be an excellent golfer. Andy, on the other hand, is quite a poor golfer. The employees realize there is no reason for them to be in the office with so many people gone and want to go home.

Stanley quietly packs his things and walks out as Dwight becomes outraged that everyone wants to leave. At the job fair, Michael turns away the only student interested in their booth because he is not the type of person Michael was interested in recruiting. He then gets mad that the student signed his name on the sheet of paper and tells Pam to put out another.

Pam only brought one, and when Michael gets mad at her, she points out that he told her to only bring one sheet. Michael pushes the blame back on her and makes her go find another piece of paper. Jim tries to convince the client to switch paper companies, but Phil is content with the supplier he is using and is not interested in hearing a sales pitch.

Michael tries to pull other students in to the booth but no one is interested. Back at the office, Angela and Dwight find themselves alone as the rest of the employees decide to go home. Pam finds a piece of paper from her old art room and returns to the booth with it, but Michael is mad that it is not Dunder Mifflin paper and makes Pam go back to the office to retrieve another sheet.

Meanwhile, Dwight calls Michael with the news that the employees left but Michael agrees that no one should have to be there as both he and Jim are gone and hangs up. The sales pitch does not seem to be going well for Jim, but he is determined to give it his best shot.