Golf Betting Games
Published: 01.04.2024

Golf betting games for 8 players

With 8 players, there won't be a ton but anyone could win one at any time. If there are 25 skins at the end of the week, they're each worth. › below90 › golf-betting-games. Here is a list of golf betting games you can play with groups of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, or more players: Alternate Shot. Alternate shot is a. Try 20 score game. Change from full scramble to texas scramble (everyone plays their own ball in from the best tee shot). Then you have to take. › blogs › news › funny-golf-games-forplayers.
Photo: golf betting games for 8 players

1. Skins · 2. Two-Man Scramble · 3. Best to Next · golf betting games for 8 players. Nassau · 5. Hammer · 6. Vegas · 7. Banker · 8. Wolf. RULES: Instead of one hole match, you play six consecutive three-hole matches. You can set each match at a specific amount or increase the. Have a larger group and want a game that includes everyone? Pentagon is a great choice for that scenario because up to 8 players can play and it. Nassau. A Nassau bet is probably the most common golf betting game you will encounter on the course. · Dots (Aka Trash). Dots or Trash is a fun golf betting game.

Fun Golf Games for Different Number of Players

This is particularly fun right around Ryder Cup time and will give you an incredible appreciation for just how difficult a format this is, even for the world's best players. Alternate shot is just as it sounds. Prior to the round, you and a partner decide who will tee off on the odd-numbered holes and who will tee off on the even-numbered holes.

After that person tees off, you alternate shots until the ball is in the hole. Want to improve your game. Find a PGA Professional here. Alternate shot can be played as stroke play or as match play. The upside to alternate shot is you can play quickly, as there are only ever two balls in play amongst your foursome. It might be a better game for those of you who have a golf club membership.

The first player to have the low score on a hole captures the Rabbit no ties. If on the next hole someone other than the holder of the Rabbit is the low scorer, the Rabbit is set free. Then the Rabbit can be won by the next player to earn the lowest score again, no ties on a hole. Before another player can be "holder of the Rabbit" it must first be set free. There are also side bets, which pays the holder of the Rabbit after the ninth and 18th hole.

For bigger payouts, you can skip the "set the Rabbit free" step and simply make the person with the lowest score no ties on a given hole the immediate holder of the Rabbit. This one can get ugly in a hurry if you aren't careful. Actually, it can get ugly even if you are careful. Two teams, two players each.

You play for a team score on each hole. Golf betting games for 8 players But here's the twist, rather than adding the two team scores -- for example, Player A makes a 4 and Player B makes a 5 -- the scores are paired lowest score in front. So, instead of the team in the example used making a for a combined nine, they instead make a " The team score is representative of the number of points each team earns per hole.

The points are tracked throughout the round and at the end, the differential is paid off. You can set any value you want on points For the average Joe, that might be a nickel per point. For instance The paired score for Team A on one hole is 45 and the paired score for Team B is a Just so things don't get ridiculously out of hand, there is a safeguard in Vegas.

So, if a team has a 7 and a 10 rather than " points" for the hole, it's " This is one of the most popular games to play on the golf course. Typically, two-person teams are in place. Each player plays out his or her own golf ball. At the end of the hole, the lowest score recorded by the team is used toward the team tally, while the higher score is thrown out.

It's the best of individual golf and team golf. Assign a point-value or dollar amount to each hole. Each player in the group contributes a predetermined amount for the "kitty" on each of the holes. The lowest score on each hole wins the skin. Photo: golf betting games for 8 players Should more than one player tie a hole, the skin carries over. Whoever wins the next hole outright wins the skin for that hole as well as any skins that carried over.

The beauty of skins is this -- you might be struggling for the first five holes, but all those holes may have been tied by players in your group. Then, out of nowhere, you birdie the sixth hole, the lowest score on the hole. Instantly, you pick up all six skins and everyone in your group hates you kidding.. Sometimes, a player who wins skin carryovers needs to validate them on the next hole -- meaning they must at least match the lowest score on the next hole to collect the skins.

If another player records a lower score on the next hole, he or she can steal the skins, but then must also validate unless this happens on the final hole. Then the match is over. If no one hits, it carries over weekly until someone does. Carryovers on ties and if you win a hole or holes you must validate the next hole with a par.

If you don't holes go back on next hole. If we're doing anything let's just play skins This is arguably the most popular of all golf games. A Nassau is basically broken up into three bets -- low front nine score, low back nine score and low total score. Unlike a lot of the others, a Nassau doesn't need to get out of hand A "press" is a second bet that runs concurrently with the original bet.

Especially on par-3s, the high score is going to come into play. How to play: This game is simple: You have three separate wagers on the first nine, back nine and the aggregate 18 holes. Lowest score on each of those wins. What makes it different than just regular match play, however, is that you can "press," which essentially ends one of the front or back nine bets and starts a new bet.

For example, if a team is down two holes after six holes, they could press, which would end the front nine bet and create an additional wager on holes Many people play that you have to press if you fall down by two holes. How to play: This might be the most fun game on this list. This game is played 1-on-1 or 2-on Let's say Team 1 hits a shot in the rough off the first tee while Team 2 hits it in the fairway.

Talk about pressure putts. Best for: Groups of 2 or 4. Must have an even number to play as teams of 1 or 2. How to play: This game is for a group of 4 and is similar in structure to "Best to Next. For example, if one team shoots on a hole and the other goes , the scores would be 44 and 37; the latter team would win.

The one exception is that if a player shoots a 10 or higher that number goes first; for example, a would be instead of Set an amount for each hole, and the lower overall number wins. There are some fun variations, too. Sleeze plays that teams are decided each hole by pairing up the two players who hit their tee shots farthest to the left and right, respectively.

Also, Sleeze plays by counting each point as a unit. One more caveat is that if a team makes a birdie as their best score and the other makes a par, the latter team must inverse their score. So if Team 1 had a score of and the other had a score of , Team 2 must invert their overall number to 74, which means Team 1 would be up 38 points — 74 minus 36 — on that hole.

This game is good for a group in which there are differing skill levels, especially for one player. How to play: This is a fun one, although it starts to get a little complicated. This is a game for at least 3 people, and to start you must set a minimum and maximum amount on each hole. Choose a banker for the first hole, and it'll rotate each hole. The open odds 2023 golf The banker tees off last for each hole, and each player determines how much they want to play the banker for that hole.

Players are not playing against each other at all; they're all playing individual matches against the banker. Lowest score on the hole is the banker for the next hole, and ties are broken by the longest putt. You can also press in this game, but only off the tee and before the banker hits. The banker can press back after hitting off the tee, but he must press everyone — not just whoever pressed him initially.

Best for: Groups of 3 and 4. This game rotates banker and creates drama off the tee. Further, this game is good for players who have differing bankrolls. One player can keep his bets at just a couple bucks, whereas the high rollers in the group can play for more money if they wish. How to play: This is a fun one and allows players to create different teams throughout the round.

In a group of four, designate an order for who is the "wolf" and rotate that order throughout the round. The wolf always goes last on every hole, and the designation means you get to choose how you play the hole. You can elect to play 1-on-3 or pick a partner and go 2-on The caveat is that the wolf must make his or her decision right after each drive.

Let's say Player 1 is the wolf and Player 2 hits a long drive in the middle of the fairway. Player 1 must decide before Player 3 hits if he wants to partner up with Player 2. If not, Player 3 hits and he has the same decision. After Player 4, he can partner with him or play 1-on But if Player 1 elects to go 1-on-3, the bet doubles. Where it gets really crazy is if Player 1 is feeling confident and elects to go "lone wolf.

It's high risk but also very high reward. You can play straight up or by handicap, which certainly affects the strategy of who you pick when it's your time as the wolf. How to play: This is a team game in which there are multiple ways to win on each hole. The most popular version is five-point scotch, in which there are five separate bets going at a time:.

If two players make a birdie, it would cancel the bet for all players. Likewise, if both teams score a 4, there are no points awarded for lowest score on the hole. Set a fixed amount for each point and divvy up money at the end of the round. Presses are encouraged, as explained above. Golf betting games for 8 players There's really no limit to rules you can add, so make stuff up with your group and see if you like it.